Nick x Reader (Hard Rain: Part 2)

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Tw: Suggestive

As you made your way through the fields and back to the sugar mill, you couldn't help but think about Nick the entire time, as you hopped into the elevator, you couldn't help but look over at Nick, Your mind couldn't handle the apocalypse AND liking this man at once...could it?

You sighed to yourself and got ready for
zombies up top.

You heard someone walk over to you, "You doin okay?" Ellis whispered to you, he could care less about his own feelings, but he cared about yours more then you realized, he would always check in with you. He was the best friend someone could have.
"You seem a bit out of it.." He pat your back gently.

You looked over at him and smiled a little, "yeah..thanks Ellis." You looked down a little, "can I talk to you later?" You rubbed your neck nervously.

He nodded, "Of course." He smiled and cocked his gun, ready to shoot everything in his way.
As soon as the elevator door opened, you hopped out and ran into the dark corridors and running down the stairs, everyone following behind.

You got a moment to yourself for a bit, you needed more time to think. The silence was nice, that is until you heard footsteps behind you. You sighed, "yeah?" You didn't turn around.

"Hey," you heard his voice and almost groaned, "Can I talk to you?"

"Nick, please..I just wanna be alone.." You looked down.

He came closer and turned you around, "Please?"

You stood there for a second, not once have you ever heard him say that. You sighed and looked up at him.

He put a finger under your chin and lifted your head up and closer to him, "you know what I'm gonna say, don't you?"

You nodded slightly, "I think I do" You grabbed the wrist of the hand that was touching your chin. "Nick.."

He grabbed your hips with his free hand and brought you closer.

"Nick, please..."

The hand on your hip rose up to your waist. He shushed you with a kiss, you felt him smile slightly.

You dropped your gun out of slight shock but all you could do was melt into the kiss. He had such a charming tone, it was irresistible.

You felt him slowly pull away and slowly move down your neck.

"Nick," You gently wrapped your arms behind his neck, "...I love you.."

He stopped in his tracks and he let go of you slowly, "I-I'm sorry- I cant do this-" He pulled away and walked out the room quickly, not even turning back.

You stood there and took a second to collect your thoughts. You picked up your gun and cocked it. Ready to kill any zombies that even looked at you, you were not gonna let this get the best of you.


Once you got to the main part of the sugar mill, it started storming up again, everyone gathered up and waited for it to die down a little.

You grabbed Ellis's hand and pulled him into a room that no one was in.

Nick looked over and glared at you holding his hand, he turned his head and gave the two of you side-eye.

You sat down in the couple inches of water and you looked up at the ceiling.

Ellis sat to the right of you and rubbed your backs. "You doin okay..? I know I ask a lot don't seem like yourself"

You hesitantly spoke, "I- I dunno, I sure as hell don't feel like myself.."

He looked down at you and kept his hand on your back gently. "What's going on..?"

You sighed, "Ellis..Look.. first things first, I feel bad about what I said. It was..kinda rude. I like you.. yes.. but i don't think I wanna ruin what we have.. you've been the nicest to me and I can't have that change now,"  You sighed, "I'm so sorry."

He smiled slightly, "hey, yknow me, I can get over it. You're the closest thing I have to a friend.. I love it. I don't wanna ruin it either, trust me I..I thought about-  a'lot-" he chuckled nervously.

You smiled, "Thank you... but I sort've have a bigger problem.."

He tilted his head like a dog

You sighed "I..I think I like Nick.."

He gulped quietly, tryna keep down his thoughts.

"But..earlier he kissed me..and..I said I loved him, and..and all he did was leave. He just walked out."

He grabbed the axe off his back, "can I go chop his ass?"

You smiled slightly, he always knew how to make you smile. "Ellis.." You giggled.

He smiled slightly, "Hey, If he pulls anymore shit, please talk to me..okay?" He took his cap off. He got up and held his hand out to you.

You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up.

He kissed your hand gently and put his hat back on and tipped it to you before he returned to the group.

You smiled to yourself,he was amazing sometimes.

What a man.

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