Nick x Reader (Breaking Promises and Breaking Hearts)

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A/N: HAH edgy title name 😎😼
Tw: Swearing(?)

You looked out on the balcony and saw Nick smoking, you hated that he did it, it drove you crazy, You loved him but you hated his habit. You watched him come back inside once he was finished, "Nick?" You hesitantly spoke up.

He turned over to you and walked over, "what's going on doll?"

You sighed, "can we talk..?" You hesitantly grabbed one of his hands.

You noticed him tensing up, "what's the matter..?" He sat on the couch next to you, he leaned down to you.

You rubbed your neck and sighed.

"Are- Are you gonna leave me?" He rested a hand on your thigh.

You shook your head quickly, "N-No! I just- I wanted to talk to you about you smoking-"

He sighed, "Y/n, we've been through this so many times.."

You looked down, "I know.. but you just won't quit! If you die in 10 years, don't blame it on me!" You crossed your arms.

"It's my life! I'll live it how I want, if I die from it, I die!"

You glared at him, "you know, I don't think you noticed but there's someone else that lives here! I have to live with that!"

He glared at you.

You looked up at him and hesitantly sighed, "Listen, Nick," you grabbed his hand, "I love you, I just want what's best for you.. but i..i cant physically stop you, I wish I could, I want to make you stop, I really do, but I can't make you do anything..I'm sorry.." You looked at the ground.

He hesitantly looked at you, "...Y/n, I love you too but I just- I've done it for so long"

"That's what a habit is Nick! And I'll be damned if I sit by and watch the person I love practically kill himself over a measly cigarette!!" You crossed your arms, "It's stupid to even fight over but you just don't change, you don't even try." You looked away.

He looked at you and he rested his hands on your cheeks, "Sweetheart.."

"Don't even try on talking your way out of this, you can't change my mind!" You glared at him.

He sighed, "Okay okay..I'll quit-" He looked at you and he grabbed one of your hands.

You hesitantly looked at him, "Are..Are you sure?" You hesitantly held his hand.

He nodded, "Anything for you, Y/n, I promise." He kissed your cheek.

You smiled softly, "Thanks, Nick.."

Nick nodded, "Of course, Love" He kissed you softly.

You could taste the cigarette aroma, you hated it. You couldn't wait for him to stop. After the apocalypse, Nick's habit stepped up a lot and it worried you everytime he would go outside. You loved Nick but it hurt to see him smoke.


You unlocked the door to your home and you opened it up, signing, you were glad you were home, you hated being out of the house. You took your shoes off by the front door.
"Nick?" You looked around, trying to find him, "You home?" You stopped and shrugged to yourself. You walked over to your kitchen and looked over at the balcony, seeing Nick outside. You went over to the door and opened it, "Hey, Nick?"

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