Ellis x Reader

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Tw: Swearing? Idk lmao I'm exhausted


"Thank the LORD this elevator's still workin" Ellis hopped into the elevator and sighed, once everyone was in he pressed the button and looked at everyone, he stopped and stared at you.

"Names Nick, So, you guys got names or what?"

"Rochelle, You?"

You smiled, "Y/n."

Ellis smiled slightly.

"Folks call me coach, guess y'all can do the same. What about you?"

Ellis stood there with his mouth open, just staring at you, he wasn't focused on anything else.

"Umm-" You looked around.

"Did this boy get hit in the head?" Rochelle tilted her head.

"Hey, Kid, You even listenin'?" The big man knocked him upside the head.

"Ow- OW! What??" Ellis looked at him.

"We asked your name-"

He deepened his voice a little, "I- Oh- E-Ellis, The names Ellis- Sorry.."

You giggled softly at his voice, looking away, "So, the zombie apocalypse, ain't this fun."

Nick looked at you, "Yeah, because putting our lives on the line is so fun."

You looked him up and down, "You can fix that attitude before I kick it out of your ass." You looked away.

Ellis felt his face heat up, he looked away and gulped nervously, He never felt this nervous around anyone before, it was weird, but something in him liked the feeling.


You giggled, sitting on the rail of a bridge in the mall.

Ellis looked up at you, "Hey..Y/n..?"

You looked at him, "Yes?"

He rubbed his neck nervously, "Uhm I-"

"Woah!" You hopped down and you lifted up the sleeve of his shirt.

He blushed deeply. "Wha-??"

You smiled, looking at his tattoo, "That's so cool!"

He smiled, "Oh- Thanks," He looked at you.

You giggled and hopped back into the railing, "I've always wanted a tattoo, they seem so cool but I'm way too scared."

He shrugged, "You could totally pull one off, I wanted to get another one of my truck but-"

You smiled, "You're such a redneck."

He smirked slightly, "Yeah yeah, I get it."

You laughed a little, "I'm serious, country man." (A/N: Lost your way, country man?😼 lol I'm funny)

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