Ellis x Reader Legos

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You looked around, when you saw no one, you felt your heart skip a beat, "oh, you're fucking joking.." You looked around quickly.

Ellis grabbed your hand to help you calm down.

You smiled slightly, after a good number of years of being friends with Ellis, he always knew how to help, you hesitantly held his hand, you felt shakey.

"Where the hell is that goddamn copter going?"

You looked over at him and looked at his outfit, who wears a suit during the zombie apocalypse? Interesting choice, that's for sure.

"Don't take the lords name in vein."

"You're serious aren't you?"

"Yeah! I'm serious!" The big man looked over at him.

You looked over at Ellis.

He looked at you then looked at everyone else, "Okay well, I dunno if y'all have noticed, but this building is on fire, I think there's an evac center at the mall..? We can try heading there."

You looked over at the weapons, "lets grab a weapon, just in case."

Ellis grabbed a weapon for you and for him, he handed it to you, "You alright?"

You sighed and looked down, "I dunno..I don't really know..how.. to feel? Yknow?"

He squeezed your hand and let go, "Let's get off this building alright?"

As you all made your way out of the hotel, you tried to make conversation, "So, if we're gonna get stuck together, what's all of your names?"

The big man looked at everyone, "well, I'm Coach, at least- that's what everyone calls me."

"I'm Rochelle, came to report the flu, I'm from Cleveland" the girl nodded.

"The names Nick, I might not stick around long."

"I'm Ellis, this one calls me El," Ellis pointed to you,

You smiled softly, "Um- Y/n- not much to say about me."

Ellis chuckled, "I could think of a thousand words to describe y/n."

You looked up at him, "I cant tell if that's good or bad" You smiled.


You were sitting on the ledge of the mall bridge, you stared down at the ground below. You sighed and laid back, looking up at the ceiling. You closed your eyes and let your thoughts get to your head, you hated the silence.

"Y/n?" Ellis quickly walked over to you, "hey, you alright?" He kneeled down.

You turned you head over to him and hesitantly opened your eyes, looking up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine.." You sat up and brought your legs up to your chest, "I hate the quiet.." You looked at the ground far below you.

Left 4 Dead x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now