2. The Masked Maiden

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"The Queen requests everyone to make their way to the outdoors for the second half of the evening." Brimsley announces, and you watched as everyone began to make heed towards the other door that led towards the royal orchard outback.

"Is there any reason in particular why you have not yet made your way to the dance floor, Ms

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"Is there any reason in particular why you have not yet made your way to the dance floor, Ms. Russel?" Lady Danbury questions you as you both walk into the warm outdoors, taking note of the elaborate décor and lighting prepared for night fall.

"No gentleman has asked." Lady Danbury hummed in skepticism, "You do know that their intentions are challenged when you hide in the corners like a wallflower. Perhaps if you remained in sight you would have better luck." Your shoulders dropped as you both made your way towards the desserts table.

The garden was truly a sight to see. Sunset was no more than a few hours away yet you could already see the familiar glow of the lanterns light that were strung between the flowers and bushes.

"Where is the importance in dancing in front of the entire ton? Why make such a big deal of simply moving with another. If it's so marvelous to simply move from one place to another, why not applaud me when I travel between the drawing room and the door?" Lady Danbury could sense you were not very fond of the traditions here.

She glared at you, not finding your quick wits amusing. However, she expected no less from you. You had been this way since she met you. "My apologies, Lady Danbury, but I simply would like to refrain from participating in these pointless acts for as long as possible."

"You are new, and you will learn." She says it in an ambiguous tone. before walking off. She said it in a way that's not threatening you of course but as if reminding you of the future that inevitably awaits you whether you like it or not.

With squinted eyes you navigated your way through the dance floor, overhearing a saddening conversation between your brother and a local damsel in distress? "I seem to have rolled my ankle on the dance floor my Lord, however shall I make it back to my residence like this." She fanned her head as if her ankle injury somehow raised her body temperature.

"Perhaps I should kiss it better?" You were a virtuous woman, with self-control and composure yet it had taken the power of a thousand waves to prevent you from laughing. Darius is your brother, you know all too well of his romantic tactics that he uses to have women swooning within mere minutes. It's like a game to him.

You pathed away from the principal area of the ball and towards the emptier areas of the orchard, the ton being far enough to have severe difficulty making out a single face.

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