4. Midnight Encounters

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It was nearing the late evening when Eloise walked into the drawing room seeing the majority of her family present, minus the duchess and Gregory who was in the middle of Latin lessons

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It was nearing the late evening when Eloise walked into the drawing room seeing the majority of her family present, minus the duchess and Gregory who was in the middle of Latin lessons. "Good heavens has someone died." Eloise jests as she takes note of the grim aura that encapsulated the room.

"Yes, Benedict's love life-" Colin's smart mouth had earned him a hard hit to the chest from Lady Bridgerton herself. Eloise was confused. She was handed the papers of controversy. Letting her eyes read over the article, each sentence leaving her more infuriated than before.

She was absolutely going to kill Penelope. That fateful night at the Featherington ball, she vowed to never to speak to Penelope again after such a betrayal of her trust.

However, this situation permitted exceptions to be made. Penelope had the audacity to write such an ill-mannered piece about Eloise's family? Benedict for that matter, the brother whom she knew Eloise shared a certain closeness with. She was going to absolutely wreak havoc upon the Featherington household tonight.

She balled the paper up into her gloved fists and let it fall to the floor before storming out in pursuit to confront Penelope. "It seems that Eloise is taking it harder than you are." Colin speaks up again to which nearly immediately, Benedict walks out with lady Bridgerton soon following after him.

"Or perhaps not?" Colin double backs on his word looking over to Anthony who merely rolled his eyes at the man.


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"Miss. Where are you going?" You heard Grace calling after you in a whispered rush and you sped through the corridors of the house. You needed fresh air. It had been too long since you had last seen the streets of Mayfair.

"Out." You whispered back stopping in your tracks to finally turn around and face her. "It is late." She says. "That's alright . I do not fear the dark." You could not control the smirk that seems to have plastered itself on your face.

It was moments like these when Grace truly did fear you. Not because you were scary but because you were unpredictable which was somehow worse.

You heard her steps behind you as you made your way down the dark stairs, heavy breathing and even heavier steps. She was writhing with anxiousness and you knew you couldn't have her trailing along with such doubt.

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