5. Missed You By a Glance

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You snuck back inside as quietly as you could, hoping no one would see you but Darius and his early tendencies seemed to have been up for hours already

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You snuck back inside as quietly as you could, hoping no one would see you but Darius and his early tendencies seemed to have been up for hours already.

"One day dear sister you will get yourself killed." Darius mumbles under his breath as he side eyes you adjusting the cuffs of his shirt as he prepared to head out. "That's it? No scolding? No torment?" You were shocked at his lack of reaction, Darius could be quite protective at times.

You were sure there should have been more uproar between the two of you, but since there was not, you were not going to complain. "It was a part of my initial plan I will not lie, but I am not the one you need to worry about." He whispers as he spoke to you, but not looking at you.

You let your eyes follow his line of sight. Up at the top of the stairs stood your mother.

Livid as ever.

"I wish you the most of luck dear sister, always remember to dodge flying objects with skill and speed." Darius taunted in a playful manner right before he left. Was this some kind of sick joke to him. Your life was in danger.

You heard your mother begin to step down the stairs, and soon you contemplated running along with Darius.

"Don't you dare even think about it. I've got you." Your mother was always powerful. When she ruled Lancaster with your father everyone would listen to her. Understandably so, her voice carried the strength of a thousand armies.

It was incredible to watch her speak publicly but horrid to be on the receiving end when as she reprimanded you. "Where in God's name have you been."

"I went for a walk. Surely you cannot blame me for seeking out fresh air after I've been stuck here day and night for weeks on end." Your mother seemed.... defeated? This was unexpected. Your mother walked past you, sitting at the table with a heavy sigh.

"I know. It is hard. But I am trying to protect you." She says, and this just frustrates you.

"Protect me from what? What are you and Darius hiding from me?" You place your hands down on the table, gently of course. You were angry but not crazy enough to lose your temper at your mother.

"It is too much to explain. It would only cause unnecessary drama if you were to know, but never mind that now. I am just glad that you are safe, but the next time I catch you, do understand that there will be consequences." She warns.

"In the meantime. We received an invitation to Lady Danbury's ball, we can attend but you must not let yourself be known."

"Can I at least tell him my name." You let the pronoun slip by mistake.

"Him? Him who? Is there someone you have not told me about." Just replaying your encounter back over in your head had you giddy and your smile gave it away. Soon you and mother chatted the morning away about Benedict and just how magical the evening of the masquerade ball had been.

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