3. Unspoken Secrets

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"Get her inside as soon as possible

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"Get her inside as soon as possible." You hear your mother order to Darius as he escorts you out of the carriage as she directs the horsemen to continue on. Leaving you and your brother in the manor alone.

"Let go of me, and tell me what is going on." You yank your hand from his hold and stand before him in the foyer of the house drawing  some of the staffs attention.

"Nothing is going on. I need you to remain safe and inside." You seethe at your brother's incriminating choice of words. "If nothing was wrong then why would I need to remain safe." Darius has always hated your intelligence that even challenged his own at times. Hated the way you were able to piece some things together so much faster than others.

"Go upstairs." He ordered, and you laughed bitterly. "What are you not telling me?"

"Go Upstairs, Ayesha. I will not ask you again." You were stubborn but not as stubborn as your elder brother. You knew even if you stood your ground for hours, he would not tell you the information you sought from him.

With a drop of your shoulders and a purposefully loud exhale you walked upstairs to your room where your maid, Grace followed.

You sat yourself down on the pew in front of  your bed in thought

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You sat yourself down on the pew in front of  your bed in thought. Hearing the heavy breathing of Grace as she must've run up the stairs behind you an idea formed in your head.

"Grace," Her head snapped up at the mention of her name, "You haven't seen or heard anything out of the ordinary going on around here lately, have you?" You stood, taking slow steps towards her.  She shakes her head rapidly as you paused in your steps.

She feared you sometimes. That was obvious, it was not your intention but she seemed to be intimidated by the way you spoke to your brother. Your arguments could end quite viciously with the two of you not speaking for days at a time, she simply never wanted to get on your bad side.

"There is no need to fear me, Grace. It is only Darius who gets on my nerves, not you. I apologize if it seems like I will attack you at any moment." You joke and are pleased to see that she laughs with you. "I know, Miss." You had given up years ago on trying to get her to address you by your first name. She would simply never pick up the habit.

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