19. Four-Legged Dawn

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"Benedict-- Oh

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"Benedict-- Oh. You're already awake!" Hyacinth chirps as she opens her brother's door, revealing him to be in a state of focus, surrounded by papers on his bed and an intent gaze on the ledger he was reading.

Hardly looking up to acknowledge her with more than a small smile with a quick hum he returns to his readings. "Mama is waiting for you to join us for breakfast." He hums once again, "I'll be there in a moment." His eyes go over a certain line of income that did not align with the rest.

The documents reflected just as Simon had said, Avalon was clearly no man of great wealth if the numbers had anything intel to share, but why the sudden imbalance in his financials? He had seemed to be managing his wife's medicals quite fine until the first quarter of 1791.

Now cross referencing this time with any other information from the books around him for any signs of economic issues that could explain this decrease.

"Benedict-!" Violet shouts from below and he groans, knowing that he must put a pause on this for now and return later. Promptly, he makes his way downstairs, lacking good sense of his appearance but Colin has no issues making him aware.

"Good god brother, did you sleep in a bed of fleas?" Benedict brings his hands slowly to his hair and feels how knotted it was, his fingers trailing down to the dried skin on his face. He knows he must look terrible. "Good morning Benedict-" He turns to face the source of the soft voice that welcomed him from behind, Kate.

Her smile falters when she sees him, "You look-- well." Anthony chuckles, he knows his wife all too well and can see the embellishments of truth forming on her lips from a mile away. Finally, Violet steps in "Hyacinth says that you'd been up all night, Is that true?"

"Yes, I was." He responds.

"Did it per chance have anything to do with.." Violet clears her throat at Benedict's obvious expression that showed that he did not wish to address such a topic at a time like this. "Well then. Hasten your breakfast and get ready, it's important that we are on time for the exhibition." He puffs out a choke of air before approaching the table.

While he focused on the arranged fruits and pastries that were presented on the plates he heard his family welcome down his sister, "Eloise, you and I will need to make a stop at the modiste this morning to ensure your riding gloves can be hemmed in time for this afternoon." Benedict looks up to where his sister stood all but 10 feet away from him."

For the first time, the bright dynamic that often filled the space between the two siblings was left empty and cold. "Good morning, Benedict." Eloise says, her voice nervous and soft as she wonders where they stand.

Benedict acknowledges her with nothing more than a single nod as he takes his plate, "I think I'll be eating this upstairs. I will see you all later." He says and steps up to his room and closes the door loud enough to pierce the awkward silence that he left behind.

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