20. Equestrian Error

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You watched as your mother conversed with Lady Whitmore and Lord Grimsby

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You watched as your mother conversed with Lady Whitmore and Lord Grimsby. The three seemed to get along well and you were glad that your mother seemed to be enjoying her return to London.. and Darius as well.

While you were too fixed on your mother you hardly noticed that Darius had managed to trot off into the Company of Cressida Cowper. You didn't necessarily have a problem with her but Eloise has told you all you needed to know and how she tried to blackmail Daphne during her courtship with Simon, so it's safe to say you weren't particularly fond about someone of her nature.

"Ayesha-" You hear a voice from behind you, you looked over your shoulder briefly to give a glance to see an apologetic Bridgerton. Speak of the devil. You scoff and begin to move along but she calls after you once more. "Please, I am so sorry. You have to believe me when I say I never indented to put you in such a difficult situation-"

Turning Dolly around, you face her. "But you did, Eloise. I would have preferred that you asked me rather than subject me to your schemes." Eloise understands but speaks her mind, " If I were to have come to you with such a bold accusation, would you have answered me honestly?"

You sighed, understanding where she was coming from. Though it didn't make her deeds any less hurtful.

"The Equestrian is now in commencement." One of the Queensmen announce and slowly but surely the ton began to move along, following behind the path of the Queen's Carriage. It was beautiful when you looked at it from afar. A long trail of fellow members of the ton riding their horses of all different colours behind her Majesty. It was quite symbolic when you really thought about it. 

"You should go back to your family." You suggest to Eloise, not giving her a second chance to speak before you rode off, leaving her to look for the family you were referring to. Her mother was long gone with the rest of the ton up front, riding beside Anthony and another person that she did not know.  By nature, Kate should've been somewhere near her husband, alas Anthony was adamant not to have her anywhere near the horses in fear of hurting the baby.

Naturally, you wondered where Benedict was, or if he was even in attendance at all this afternoon. Knowing him, he tends to sneak off from these kinds of things in sight of better things. Unfortunately, your answer came to you in the sound of a flirtatious laugh from near you.

Briefly looking over your shoulder you see Victoria riding her pristine perlino horse along side Benedict's chestnut one. They seemed to be enjoying their conversation until Victoria's gaze landed on you. Quickly whipping your head back ahead, you focused on the route ahead of you.

Benedict clears his throat, fighting his urges to call your name but he didn't wish to involve you with Victoria, it was his mess and he was determined to figure out a way to clean it up to avoid dragging you into it thus further.

Over the course of the first hour, the patterns changed along with the scenery. The once tightly knit group became long and stretched out for over a kilometer and the groupings have been altered over time. Before you were alone in front of Victoria and Benedict, 15 minutes later they'd passed you and you'd now fallen behind to third wheel in Darius and Cressida's conversation.

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