17. Halls of Discourse

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Straightening out the fabric of her gown Lady Bridgerton takes a seat back in her previous spot

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Straightening out the fabric of her gown Lady Bridgerton takes a seat back in her previous spot.

"Please do take your time sister, we have all day." Colin remarks and his mother is quick to swat at his arm.

"I- erm-" Eloise looks at you, unable to read the expression on your face until it slowly morphs into one of defeat, giving her a subtle nod to speak.

"Well, it began at the observatory ball. I had accidentally mentioned that Benedict wanted no part in his engagement with the Princess, but Ayesha did not bat an eye at the information, it was as if she'd already known this, of course, at first it was only a mere hypothesis, but I wanted to test it. So I had invited her here for the sake of getting a closer look on things, and Benedict had already known her name before she had gotten the chance to introduce herself--"

"Well, I'm glad that you were able to conclude your experiments at my expense." Swiftly you throw down the cloth that covered your lap on to the table and walk away from the group towards a place you could gather your thoughts.

" Ayesha Wait-" Eloise stands, but halts at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder.

"I think you've done your part." Benedict says. The two had always had the closest of bonds, so to see him look down at her with such disappointment wounded her a lot more than she was willing to admit.

"I will see to it that she is okay." Kate stands, following the path you had just gone.

You found yourself in the library of some sort, letting your fingers run over their expansive range of literature. So entranced by the books on the shelves you hardly noticed the Viscountess standing near you.

"My apologies, I did not see you," With a small curtsey Kate gently objects. "There is no need for that, I am perhaps the last person worthy to be bowed to." Your head tilts slightly but she ignores it for the time being.

"I believe you never got the chance to properly introduce yourself,"

Quickly, you cleared your throat, "I'm Ayesha Russell of Lancaster."

"Daughter of the late Earl of Lancaster? Lord Andreas Russell by chance?" Your eyes lit up at the mention of your father's name. "Yes, did you know him?" She shakes her head sadly, "No but, your father had done my family a great service during one of his tours in India. My mother was ill and my father was in need of a loan to help pay for her medicals. No one was willing to help a simple clerk, but your father, he was one of the greatest financers of his time. He helped my family when no one else would. It is because of his nobility that I was able to spend one last Christmas with my mother before she passed."

You smiled sadly at her story, "It is bittersweet to hear but I am always glad to be reminded of the kind of man that raised me. It would be a pity if he saw the kind of woman I became today. Having such feelings for that of a man who is to be wed to a princess." Using the tip of your thumb, you wiped at the tears before they could fall.

"That is better than if he were engaged to your own sister, how about that." Your mouth fell open.

"You mean-- You and Viscount Bridgerton--" Kate finishes your words.

"Were not each other's intended from the start? No. He was engaged to my sister, but there were feelings. Feelings that we so foolishly believed we could control, that we could deny, but we lived in doubt and denial until only the truth could light our situation ablaze."

"So what am I to do? I do not wish to compete with princess Victoria." Getting choked up on your words, the Viscountess held you in her arms. Not expecting her approaching condescending words.

"If you are to truly believe that there is competition between you and the princess, then you are an even bigger fool than I once was."

With that said she leaves. It is no longer a question to you about how she and Anthony came together, they were quite similar yet different in their own ways.

"Ayesha." You hear Eloise call you. She was the last person whom you wanted to speak with.

"I have no words for you, Ms. Bridgerton." You say coldly, back turned to her. Faking your entrance with the books on the shelves. "Ayesha, please. I am truly sorry. I did not mean-"

"You did not mean to what? To out me to your entire family? To expose a secret that I am most ashamed of publicly all to contribute to your little social experiment." She flinched slightly at the raise in your voice. "I know it looks bad but please you must-"

With slow and chilling steps you paced closer to her, "You speak so illy of Whistledown, yet the whole time you are exactly like her."

"Ayesha please, that is not fair. I did not organize this to embarrass you, you must believe me. I only intended to know if my suspicions were right--"

"Congratulations, you were right. Please do mention me as a primary source for Whistledown to cite once the ton catches air of this." Your words end there as you walk out of the library bumping in to Darius in the hall.

"And You! I could just about have your head on a stick-" Darius points a finger at you but you were already pushing past him continuing down the long hall. "Save it. I don't need your scolding nor anyone else's for that matter."

"Ayesha, stop." Darius reaches for your shoulder to slow you down but you were adamant on your furious and fast pace. "Stop moving!" He grabs you by the arm, forcing you to face him. "I'm your brother, I do not wish to humiliate you. I simply need to understand."

You snatch your arm out of his hold, resuming your powerful storm of steps away from his as you speak.

"There is nothing you need to understand. I need not to explain myself to anyone." You turn the corner out of his sight, "No one but-" Bumping into yet another person. Slowly you let your gaze run higher until it met that familiar face.


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