12. Night at the Amphitheatre

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Dearest Gentle Reader,

It appears that this season Queen Charlotte may have the chance to redeem herself after the monstrosity of a wedding she sponsored the year prior. It seems as though the entire ton could be found at the Heartleaf Parkette and for those who were not in attendance missed out on a celebratory occasion indeed. Lord Bridgerton who seems to have skipped the formalities of officially courting the princess and taking the next step. Another betrothal for the Bridgertons within a 2 year span. Rather rushed wouldn't you say? Perhaps the matriarch has had enough of the grown men who continue to reside under her roof or are the Viscount and Viscountess simply trying to make room to accommodate a new member to the household. It would give reason for this engagement to have been made in such haste.

-Lady Whistledown

Society Papers


The House was Chaotic to say the least

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The House was Chaotic to say the least.

The flow of bouquets being delivered to the house seemed it would never end. Both congratulatory statements to both the parents-and groom-to-be.

"O-Okay that is enou-" Lady Bridgerton tries to stop the maids from bringing in more gifts before she must simply close the door and lock it shut. With a weighted exhale she faces her family who were displaced throughout the drawing room. The Viscountess sitting on the couch as she faced the floor. The Viscount stood behind her with his hands behind his back, awaiting what his mother will say.

Meanwhile Benedict had found some sort of comfort in staring out the window from where he stood near the fireplace. It calmed him to know that if he were to jump from this height at any given moment he could be at peace.

"So, uhm." Their mother needed to place a hand on her stomach to guide her breathing as if she may faint any moment. "Benedict, Please. Enlighten us on your sudden nuptials with the princess." 

"It is a lie. I was merely bending down to pick up her fan but she entrapped me, making it seem like something it was not. I did not propose. I was never even courting her. In fact, I brought her to that side of the park to end things with her."

"Is that why you're now betrothed?" Colin weighs in with his sarcasm.

"She felt threatened. Claiming that my eyes had been wandering on another lady at the park. I'm sure she knew that I was about to cut ties when she pulled the stunt."

"Wandering eyes on who, specifically, brother?" Anthony asks. Benedict groans. "Why does that matter, I will be walking down the aisle, marrying the reincarnation of a monster in a matter of months." Violet watched her second eldest with worry as he dropped himself down on a chair.

"And in a few months time there will not only be Benedict's cries but a baby's as well?" Colin thinks he's so clever with his witty words and sarcasm today. The matriarch's face seems to have softened at the topic. "Is it true?" The Viscount remained silent before looking down at his wife with a soft smile. "It's true. We are expecting." Although his future seemed doomed within this moment, the thought of a new niece/nephew made Benedict smile.

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