11. Perceptive Promenade

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"I've received notice that your gown is ready to be picked up from the modiste." Your mother informs you as you and your brother made your way to the door, "That is good news, we were just on our way to that part of town."

"The both of you? Why so?" She pauses her embroidery to give you both her full attention.

"Darius believed today's weather would make for a pleasant promenade." Your mother smiled, "It warms my heart to see you two finally getting along."

"Of course, she is my sister after all." Darius puts his arm around you purposely, knowing you hated it, but you held your fictitious smile until the two of you were on the other side of the door.

"Do that again and you are a dead man." You point your finger to him with a threat but he simply laughs you off, not taking you seriously as he entered the carriage with you following behind.

"After our promenade, I will be headed to Whites." You scoffed. "What do men like yourselves do there all day? Run from your lady?-- Or lack thereof should I say." You allude to Darius' singleness.

You continue, "We have attended countless balls, each one there are more women throwing themselves at you and you don't seem to have any interest in a single one."

"It is my season of solitude." He remarks ever so coolly as he adjusted his watch. It irked you how men could simply decree and declare such a thing with no questions asked. God forbid a woman were to do the same and she'd be rumoured to have some major flaw to provide reasoning for such a thing.

"And what about you, Ayesha? You have not shared a dance with a single gentleman since we've arrived."

Or so he thinks.

It was true, you have avoided offers and dances since you've arrived. It was not as if there was anyone worth dancing with, aside from one.

"Well it was difficult for me to dance with another when you and Mama had been sheltering me from the very public for weeks and forbidding me from even disclosing my name, for a reason that you both have still not shared with me?" You tried to pry for more information on who exactly they were hiding you from, and why.

"I told you, it was to protect you." His face becomes serious. A tad late for that, you think.

You were not going to get any answers from him, that was evident.

"I'd bet you were hiding me from a creep who frequents Whites, just like yourself." You mumbled under your breath as a joke. Darius' hearing when he was annoyed heightened tenfold and now was proof. "Of course not. The company I keep at Whites is nothing short of gentlemanly."

"Oh I'm sure it is. I bet you and Lord Fife get along beautifully." You scoff.

"If you must know, Anthony Bridgerton and I do get along well, yes."

"The Viscount?!" You didn't mean to yell. "Yes, but not limited to him. It was often The Duke, The Viscount and I."

"A Viscount, A Duke and an Earl. The noble trinity." You scoff as you adjusted your white gloves hardly realizing you had arrived so soon. The two of you got out and you couldn't deny your feelings of worry. Every time you were out in public, you feared that man from the Danbury Ball would see you again.

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