8. A Fool's Wound

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Your mouth was dry, you were hot and you felt as though you were unable to see. That is because you were. It was deep into the night, perhaps approaching dawn but you could not be sure. You were unsure of time, and.....location.

You sat up suddenly.

Where were you?

You looked around, trying to get a better glance of your surroundings but they remained unfamiliar. You proceeded to stand, remaking the bed and noticing your jewelry on the bedside table. Had you taken those off?

You noticed the bloody gloves that laid beside them, and like a flood, the memories came rushing back to you. That man at the Danbury Ball. Switching Dresses with the first person you encountered in the bathroom in means to distract Benedict.

You remember everything. The bathroom, where he helped you. The laughs you shared. The fabric he parted from his clothes just to help you. You needed to thank him, but later. Right now you were looking around for a match so you could light a candle in hopes to see a little better.

You spotted the package on top of the desk and held it in your hand before putting it back down within the same second. The Bridgerton crest. Printed right onto the very packaging of the matches. You were in his home.

Why would he bring you here- And suddenly you remember succumbing to the temptations of sleep in his carriage last night. It was a kind gesture for him to bring you here. Of course it was. Benedict has been nothing but kind to you. A true gentleman, but you knew you could not stay here any longer. It was too great of a risk.

God forbid you were to leave at dawn when you could be recognized not only by that man from the ball but anyone else from the ton. Not that you cared of their opinions of you, you simply did not want to hear them tarnishing the Bridgerton name because you were caught leaving from Benedict's place at such a time.

You could not do that to them.

To him.


You were relieved to say the least

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You were relieved to say the least. Your mother promised to punish you mercilessly if she were to catch you returning home at such an ungodly hour. Lucky for you she didn't. No one did.

You made it back into your room with a slight ache in your side and legs from the three hour walk you took from Benedict's residence all the way back to yours. You desired nothing more than to sleep the day away and that was exactly what you did the moment you had cleaned yourself up from the last dozen or so hours.


"Ayesha." You heard a voice but it did not successfully pull you from your slumber.

"Ayesha Russell. Awake this very moment before I return with a pail of water." A threat. Not an empty one at that. It was one only Darius would make, one he had fulfilled in the past.

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