10. After Dawn

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Earlier that morning

Benedict made sure everything in his apartment would be easy for you to find in the morning, purposely leaving out a set of plates and cutlery for your using. He wanted to stay with you, he wanted to make sure you would be alright, but his family was unpredictable.

He could not risk it if you were to be seen by his sister or god forbid if his mother were to see you in his bed. He could never forgive himself if your name was to be disgraced throughout the ton for his letting himself be caught in the same residence as you unmarried and unsupervised at this time of night.

He knew his family would never publicize such a thing but he could never be too careful with such things, some people in the town  have been gifted with such keen senses and inquisitive conversations the may pull such information from them without even trying.

He made sure to send a trusted maid, Daphne's maid, Rose, specifically. She was well trusted and has kept much worse sights from the Bridgerton family a secret over the years. He instructed her to care for you when you were to awake. Make sure you were alright and no longer in pain.

Benedict was in the florist's company when word had passed onto him that you were nowhere to be found. With shaking hands he placed back down the bouquet of flowers he had planned on bringing to you that morning before he returned home, but as they said. You were gone.

He could not stand it.

He despised what you've done to him.

Every time you left, you took his very composure and sanity with you.

Yet, it was different this time. This time he knew your name.


'It's a beautiful name' He thinks to himself.


Another dawn, another day the Bridgerton's break their fast together

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Another dawn, another day the Bridgerton's break their fast together.

Benedict walks in with long strides, perfectly timed as Anthony had been passing by the door at that exact moment. "Anthony, a word." Benedict says, not even acknowledging the rest of his family who was in the room.

"Good morning to you as well." Simon holds up his cup in cheers to the second eldest. "I'm sorry. Good morning to my beautiful family. Simon, you look radiant as ever." He joked, leaving the Duke to clear his throat paired with the roll of his eyes.

"Not again!" Hyacinth complains, Benedict looked over to his younger sister who sat at the table with a jigsaw that Anthony had presumably been helping her with before. "The last time Benedict interrupted our game Anthony vanished for the rest of the morning."

"I will help you instead. I'm sure the two of us can finish this much faster now that Anthony is occupied." Kate offers as she takes the seat beside Hyacinth.

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