13. A Series of Theatrics

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The structure where tonight's event is held was massive, containing two opera auditoriums, an Amphitheatre, an orchestra auditorium and numerous art studios. You suppose Benedict had led you to one of the latter areas based on the canvases and neatly put away brushes and quills.

"There doesn't seem to be any chairs.." The Bridgerton looked around, "I will return--" Before he could even make his way for the door you began to lower yourself to the floor. "The ground never hurt anyone."

There was a moment he simply looked down at you with an unreadable expression.

In this moment he knew.


The two of you sat there for the following hour or so. He told you the entire story of him and the Princess. The first ball of the season that was held 3 weeks before you arrived to Mayfair. How the Queen had declared Victoria the seasons diamond at the Debutante Ball. How they first met at the refreshments table and shared the last biscuit.

But what surprised you most is that Benedict never declared his intentions with the Princess. You assume the week after the ball she waited for word from him but when she received nothing she had told her father of whom she desired. Later, he was the one who sought out Lord Bridgerton for him to court his daughter.

Of course Benedict did not want to court her, he believed they lacked chemistry, but there was so much pressure from her family and even some of his, (A specific Viscount, if he remembers correctly), he couldn't oppose. He was aware that even the Queen, too, was observing their relationship from a comfortable distance.

The more he spoke about the situation you could see he was stressed.

"So you had no initial intentions of marrying Princess Victoria?" You ask just to be sure that you understood his story correctly. She basically entrapped him to marriage.

"No. She is not whom I desire an intimate relationship with."

"And who is it that you would wish to pursue, Lord Bridgerton?" You looked into his eyes, you knew what you were doing. You knew the answer. You've known, but you wanted to hear him say it. He sighs, a soft smile etching on his lips before he spoke, almost sounding a little nervous.

"You. It has always been you, from the very moment we met at the fountain I have yearned to be acquainted with you. When you are near me I cannot help but to stare, and when you are not, I long to find you, wishing to be with you solely to get to know you better." You should be ashamed of the sheer size of your smile but you could not help it.

You stand. Prompting him to stand as well.

You hold out your hand. "My name is Ayesha Russell, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lord." You curtsey as you made your proper introduction. He bows in return, "The pleasure is all mine."


The next time you had seen Lord Bridgerton was no longer than a week at the Art Gallery as the ton was invited to view the most recent collection of Vercelli's work. You stood beside your brother as you took in the art that was hung up on the wall. You've always been a fan of the arts, sketches being your specialty but you do like to paint.

You were so deep in thought about the work that was displayed before you, you hadn't noticed your brother's presence was replaced with Benedict's. "You've stood still for the past 5 minutes, what about this piece intrigues you." You turn to face him slightly, your eyes still lingering on the art.

"The palette he used.. Such dark tones with lots of distortion between his lines. How each line leads to a different direction, conveying a message as though we must live for today as tomorrow is not promised." By now you had gone back to facing the painting, listening to Benedict as he adds his own interpretation, "The very future as we know it could be changing every second, with every different decision we make and we wouldn't even know since we are confined to the present." You hum in agreement with his words.

"I never knew you had such a likening for art." He faces you again. "My father was the best painter I knew. He would allow me to join him in his studio when he felt inspired. It was the most incredible thing, to watch his thoughts and emotions be brought to life on a canvas."

Benedict felt as though he could burst at the seems. You enjoyed art, not just on a surface level but he could see it was much deeper than that. "I would like to show you something later-" He was interrupted by his fiancé touching him on the shoulder and sending him over to someone who was apparently looking for him.

She looked to you with a nasty glare and snarl to match as she leaned close, "Do tread lightly with my intended. We wouldn't want a scandal to ruin you, now would we?" She grins as if she had won some sort of competition before strutting away.

Was that... a threat?

Later that evening you found yourself with Lord Bridgerton walking the streets towards an abandoned museum, having left the function early to visit the forgotten location. The two of you were in an abandoned part of town you never even knew existed. You watched as he maneuvered the worn down door open, letting the both of you inside. Immediately in awe of the vintage paintings you saw.

You had heard stories about some of these works that had gone 'missing', but here they were, before you. "This is incredible." You weren't thinking, you had felt so seen when you were with him. Your arms wrapped themselves around Benedict without thought, only for a few short seconds before you tried to pull away but his arms wrapped around you as well.

"Please.. just for a moment." His request so simple, and seemingly light but there was such a painful depth to it. You knew how badly he wished he could do things like this with you publicly without worrying about the ton's opinions of him due to his unwanted betrothal.

He knew the moment the two of you walked out that door you would be forced to act as if you hardly knew each other. So for just a moment, you stayed. The side of your face against his chest while his head rested atop yours. Feeling the air caused his chest to rise slow and fall the same against you. You wished this moment could last forever.

Alas nothing does.

Masked Hearts: A Bridgerton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now