18. Familial Affair

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"Ms. Russell" Benedict says your name so apologetically you felt as though you could cry. He does something unusual, he bows. Even though his rank is higher than yours and you are a lady he bowed to you.

Suddenly there was not enough air reaching your lungs, your chest was raising and falling at the same frantic rate. For the first time, you were beginning to panic. Benedict's eyes scanned your figure desperately to understand what was going on.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He apologizes. You feel him gently take your hands in his before placing it against his chest. "It is just me." His smile could calm the most raging of storms, including the one that clouded your mind at this very moment.

Taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry, its all just so-" You try to say but your words fail you.

"I know." He breathes out.

"You do not need to worry if anyone will speak of us. I will see to it that no one dares to bring this up. You have my word.--" The two of you were no longer alone as Lady Bridgerton made her presence known. "-And a Bridgerton's word is worth more than gold." She says.

You nearly tripped over your feet scurrying to curtsey for the matriarch.

"Please, there is no need for that." She gently places a hand on your shoulder. She was silent for a moment, nothing but a smile on her face as she analyzed your features. "My, Benedict." You felt her hand ghost over the side of your cheek, "She is most beautiful. That is without question."

"She is." he agrees, gazing at you in awe.

You had no idea where to look. Unsure if you should focus on the woman before you or the ground below. "Your flattery is most unnecessary, I do not deserve--" in the midst of your objection she silences you with the drop of her hand from your cheek onto your shoulder.

"A lady knows when to accept compliments, even if it is after a more... untraditional dinner. Which I must apologize for. You know Eloise-" Benedict exhales sharply before interrupting, "Are you truly defending her? After she's made an amusement out of Ms. Russell?"

"I know she has put you both in an awkward position but Benedict she is your sister, you know her. She would never-" Benedict interrupts her, "But she has, Mother."

Violet is quiet.

You heard someone clear their throat and you look past Violet to see your brother, "I'm sorry to disrupt but I believe my sister and I must be going." You look up to Benedict with sad eyes and smile softly to his mother as you left them behind.

You followed Darius out of the house and into your carriage.

The moment the door closed the two of you left with the most awkward and deafening silence you'd ever shared. "Ayesha-" Darius spoke, you continued to look out the window silently and focus our gaze on the world outside as it passed you by.

"Is it true?" He asks, and you finally turn to face him.

"Believe what you would like to believe, no one shall take my word for it anyways." He looks perplexed, confused as to where this was coming from. "What are you saying?"

"Don't act so new to it all. You've been in this world 5 years longer than I have. You know good and well that no matter what a woman says, she will be ignored until a man speaks over her."

He sighs, "But I am asking you, Ayesha. Are you involved with Lord Bridgerton?" You sigh, thinking through the endless possibilities that could stem from your answer.

"The matter is complicated. I do not wish to talk about it."

He sighs, "Alright then."


"Good morning mother

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"Good morning mother." Darius announces as he walks into the drawing room the following morning while you caught up on some of your reading.

"The two of you were home rather early last night. I do hope everything went well at Bridgerton House. I hope Darius' untimely appearance did not interrupt your evening, Ayesha." Darius glances towards you and your eyes connect over the top of your book before they immediately darted back to the letters on the page.

"No, it did not. We had a lovely evening."

She smiles, "I'm glad the two of you were able to keep things cordial, especially in the presence of the Bridgertons." You glance up once more slowly before averting your gaze back down, barely reading any more.

"Surely the family can't be that esteemed, not with Anthony as the Viscount." Darius jokes, clearly a little inside joke between the two friends that both you and your mother were not in on. Although she was not pleased.

"Darius Russell. You will not insult them." He scoffs, "Twas only a joke, mother." He says, tightening the cuffs around his wrists, "Any how, I'm off to meet the horseman, hopefully I should return before dinner." You close the book with a look of confusion.

"The horseman? Meeting him for what exactly?" Straightening your posture as you sit up. "For the equestrian exhibition tomorrow." You groan, "Is it mandatory?" Your mother gives you a look that needed no further explanation but she explained it anyways, "This is not just a general invitation. Only high society will be going for a leisure ride with the queen present. It's important that we make ourselves presentable when we attend these kinds of-"

Darius snores and you laugh.

Your mother is clearly defeated with the both of you this morning as she simply exits with nothing more than that maternal glare.

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