9. New Fabric, New Company

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"Is the dress you wore to the ball salvageable?" You mother asks you, curious to know if it was bloodstained or not

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"Is the dress you wore to the ball salvageable?" You mother asks you, curious to know if it was bloodstained or not. "Oh, most definitely not." You didn't even bother to mention your dress was now someone else's.

"Then I suppose you should make way to the modiste and purchase a new one to replace the other, put it under the Russel surname so she may track the expenses." You nod along with her words before you made your way to the modiste.

Calling for your carriage you were on your way to the ever so famous boutique in town. Owned by the admirable Madame Delacroix. Although your mother had purchased dresses for you from her before as she knew your measurements down to the very last inch, today would be your first time going into the physical building yourself.


You pushed open the door and you were impressed. You felt like purchasing every last dress that your eyes laid upon. She was truly talented. And to even dare to open her own boutique in such a society was even more inspiring.

"Good Afternoon Lady-- err-uh? I'm sorry, I seem to blank on your name-" She places a delicate hand that held a piece of silk to her forehead in concentration. "It is easy to forget a name you never knew to begin with." You start, hardly looking at her as your eyes are drawn to the designs all around you. "It is a pleasure to meet, such a talented designer." You curtsey and you seem to have made her flustered. "Oh my, You are too kind with your words." Your flattery seems to have nearly made her day.

You were a little disappointed at how fast Mme. Delacroix had taken your measurements and managed to detail your dress exactly to how you would like it too look on paper. You were hoping to admire her designs a little longer. She said to expect it to be ready by Friday morning, in time for the Amphitheater event on the day to follow.

Soon after, her assistant notified her of a situation that required her presence upstairs leaving you with the fabrics. You let your hand wander along the intricate designs that were imprinted on the dresses when the bell above the door chimed, catching your attention.

It was the girl you had met a few nights ago.

"You again." Eloise says.

"I could not seem to find you at the Danbury Ball. Had you changed your mind last minute?" She asks you to which you shake your head. "I was there, but I guess you could say my hands were full" You laugh awkwardly at the memories from such an......eventful night.

"Well are you free right now?" Your eyes widen.

"Right now-?" Before you could even finish she takes you by the hand and leads you back to your carriage, telling your footmen their next destination as she got in her carriage behind yours. You wondered where she was taking you, but your answer would soon be given to you as you arrived back in the semi-familiar neighbourhood you had wandered into a few nights ago.

You got out, dismissing your carriage to return home as you had a feeling you would be here a while and would not want to keep them waiting. "Come along, we have much to discuss." She took you by the hand as she led you inside. The exterior was misleading, you never expected for it to be so grand and elegant on the inside.

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