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The car ride was a long one, and Steve refused to look in Eve's direction, still very shocked about finding out that not only did his little sister did drugs, but she also knew where an infamous drug dealer lived.

"This place is creepy," Robin said as they drove onto the road where Reefer Rick's house was - it was dark out and they were surrounded by forest, this didn't feel safe.

"We just need to find Eddie and then we can go," Dustin says to Robin as he grabs the flashlights from his bag - they'd stopped off to get them on the way there, knowing chances are they would need them, that, and Dustin had been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes and insisted that they need them.

Steve stopped the car and sighed loudly, rubbing his face with his hands as he looked from the creepy home to Eve, whose head had not moved from laying on the window and staring out.

"This the one?" He asked her, and she nodded softly, not speaking. She hadn't spoken since their argument in the car earlier. She didn't like that Steve couldn't just drop it, she didn't like how Steve liked to pry into her life. She didn't want to talk about her issues or what she was going through, she didn't like to think about it.

"Alright," He mumbled, getting out of the car, Max, Dustin and Robin following his lead. Eve stayed still for a moment, watching them walk up to the main house. She opened her car door, hearing Dustin ring the doorbell over and over again, yelling out Reefer Rick's name - not the smartest plan ever, but even Dustin had his dumb moments.

She got out and looked at Max and Robin, who were both shining their torches through the windows, before looking at the metal shed next to it. That is where she meant, not the house.

She began to walk towards the shed, not having her flashlight. Max saw her do it, blocking out Steve and Dustin's bickering in the background as she looked at the girl walking slowly towards the shed. She began to follow, a little concerned for Eve's safety, before turning to the others.

"Guys," She whispered, making them all look at her, before she gestured her head over to Eve and where she was heading. Steve shook his head quickly, storming ahead and quickly catching up with Eve, placing his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Are you insane?" He whispers to her, "You're gonna get yourself killed."

"You guys were at the wrong place," Eve said back simply, moving out of Steve's grip and walking closer to the building, "Come on."

"Where's your torch?" Dustin asked her, to which she shrugged her shoulders. He rolled his eyes - she really wasn't much help these days, and often ended up just getting on his nerves.

Robin went in first,  the door creaking as she shone her flashlight into the room, calling out, "Hello? Is anyone home?"

Everyone slowly followed in behind, the room very creepy with just torchlight - there was a black tarp laid out on a table, things were thrown all over the floor, and cobwebs were hanging from the corners of the room. It was very creepy, anyone could jump out at any moment and kill them all - no one would be able to hear their screams.

"What a dump," Steve comments as he shines his light onto an old bookcase, caked in webs and dust. He hands his flashlight to Eve, who was barely looking around the room, but rather focusing on her friends who were cautiously taking every step.

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