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Chapter 17: Light Her Up

"As long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive."


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Seven minutes later, they'd drenched the hub in gasoline. The smell somehow managed to cover the rotting smell of the tunnels around them. Eve hadn't been able to help, so stood back and watched. Max now stood next to her, holding her hand as they all grouped together.

Steve stood in front of the little group of kids as he got his lighter out.

"You ready?" Steve asks.




"Light her up."

Eve looked at her friends and brother, taking a deep breath. She knew what was going to happen and she was not prepared for the pain. She couldn't stop them though. They'd come so far.

"I am in such deep shit," Steve pants. He lets the flame appear and Eve's heart starts beating faster and faster. She couldn't. She'd be in too much pain.

It was her life on the line, and none of them knew it.

She gulped, she'd die to save Will and stop the shadow monster. All she had to do was wait for the pain and hope she could make it through. Her thoughts went into over-drive as she realised she wasn't strong enough, she wasn't ready for the pain. She knew she was going to die - she was weak as it was.

"Wait no!" Eve shouted just as Steve let go.

It all happened in slow motion: The flame was thrown and the hub lit up and Eve suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightening.

A burning, stinging, crashing sensation seized her whole body, leaving her winded and unable to move. Her muscles all stopped working as she fell to the floor; a gasp leaving her lips as the feeling of drowning started to appear. Her lungs had closed up from all of the pain.

"Eve!" Max screams, terrified by what was happening to her.

"Go! Go! Go!" Steve screams, he grabs Eve as she gasps and lets out tiny cries. Her body thrashing as her blood pumped faster and her breaths got shorter.

"It hurts! It hurts!" She cried out, squirming and thrashing in Steve's hold, "make it stop! Make it stop! Shit, Steve, it hurts!"

"Hold on in there," Steve shouts at his sister as he carries her squirming body in his arms. She was going to rip her stitches with her movements.

"This way!" Mike screams at them as Eve cries and cries.

"Steve! I can't! It hurts!" She cries loudly, her body starting to stop moving.

"No, no, no, you're not leaving now!" Steve says to her, "we've made it this far."

They heard Mike scream out in help as a vine wrapped around his foot.

Everyone started to grab him, managing to pull him up as Eve let out a final scream.

This scream was like a banshee. They had to cover their ears as she screamed and a tear went down her face before she went completely limp.

Steve stopped for a moment, lowering his sister to the floor.

"Eve? Eve?" He cried, slapping the side of her face lightly as her eyes stayed close, "Eve, don't give up on me now."

"Steve," Eve cried, her voice barely a whisper, "I love you."

"I love you more, I love you so much more, I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise," Steve promised her as a tear went down his cheek and landed on Eve's jaw. Eve smiled softly, bringing her hand up to cup his face as The party stared, "the pain will go, I promise."

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Eve whispered to him, grabbing his hand in her own, "I have to go..."

"Eve, Eve no," Steve whispered as Max bent down on the other side of Eve, Eve looked over at Max.

"Pretty," Eve whispered as her eyes began to close.

"Eve?" Max whispered.

No response.

"Eve please," Steve whispered, shaking the girl lightly.

Her hand slipped out of her brothers, her breaths becoming nothing.

She was gone

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