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Chapter Four: Sleepover

"You must be an angel. I can see it in your eyes."


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The three girls were situated in El's room that night, listening to the song 'Angel.' Max was dancing around, singing the song into a hairbrush as Eve stared at her in admiration. El was looking through a magazine she'd got at the mall, bobbing her head softly to the beat of the song as she stared at the bright colours of the pages.

"You must be an angel," Max sang, pointing at Eve exaggeratedly which made her giggle and hide her face, "I can see it in your eyes."

Max stopped when she saw El looking at a page in her magazine with Ralph Macchio on it, it was signed. He was the teen heartthrob of the month. Max didn't see it herself, but Eve did and had talked about it on numerous occasions.

"Ralph Macchio," Max noted, making Eve look out from where she hid her face, the mere mention of his name exciting her.

"Macchio?" El repeated slowly.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid," Max nodded as she suddenly did a stupid karate move that made Eve giggle, "Hai-yah!"

"He's so hot," Eve says, making Max slap her arm. Eve rolled her eyes at Max's action, noticing the small hint of jealousy the redhead was trying to hide, as she continued to tease, "I bet he's an amazing kisser, too."

"Shut up!" Max laughed, pushing Eve before sitting next to her.

"Hey, uh is Mike a good kisser?" Max asked El, trying to get some gossip. Eve looked down for a second, remembering when she locked lips with the boy. She didn't really remember it as it was an in the moment thing. But it did happen. Neither she or Mike had told anyone, and they never planned to.

"Have you seen them kiss!" Eve laughs, trying to ignore the thoughts plaguing on her mind, "looks like he's trying to eat her."

"I don't know," El answers Max's question while Max slaps Eve again, making Eve grab her hand to stop her, "He's my first boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend," Max corrects the girl. El looks down, seemingly upset that she broke up with mike. Which was fair enough, she hadn't gone a day without him in six months.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Eve comforted, patting the girl's leg twice, "Okay? He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness."

"Yeah," Max agreed with Eve as Eve moved around to get more comfortable, "I guarantee you he's like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now and moaning to Lucas about it," She continued.

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