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Chapter 4: Will the Wise

"We've gotta hold on ready or not.
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got."


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Everyone was on the field watching Will just stand there with his eyes closed. Joyce was there too, worried about her son. She knew something wasn't right - nothing had gone back to normal - the nightmare she'd already had to live was coming back: seeing her son in pain and scared and being completely powerless to stop it.

"Will? Will wake up!" Eve shouted and went to touch his shoulder, but as soon as she made contact she was blasted metres away, a feeling of darkness overcoming her as her head smashed onto the floor and she passed out.

"Eve!" Max screamed, running over to the girl as Joyce tried to wake up her son. For whatever reason, when Joyce touched Will she was absolutely fine.

Joyce continued to scream out her sons name and shake him in a desperate attempt to get him out of his episode. Max had managed to put Eve's head on her lap, her heart beat rising and her breaths coming out short. No one knew what to do.

Eve felt completely overcome by darkness in her deep sleep, like Will was, but for her it was different. While the shadow monster was completely filling his body with darkness, it was only giving Eve a little, as if it knew what it was doing and what effects it could cause. Eve woke up in a strange world, seeing mist flying into Will. She ran at him, pushing him out of the way of the black mist. And back in the normal world, that caused Will to wake up.

As soon as Will opened his eyes he gasped out Eve's name. Snapping his eyes to look at her still unconscious body. But In the upside down Eve was still there, running for her life as the shadow monster followed.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Eve screamed desperately, she turned to look at the monster and put her hands up in a dumb attempt to protect herself, her eyes squeezing shut in fear, but surprisingly enough, the shadow monster stopped.

Eve's eyes opened to see the monster staring at her - or at least facing her, it didn't exactly have eyes.

"Uh... good shadow thingy in the sky?" She whispered, looking at her shaking hands to see mist floating above them, as if she could emit the shadow that the shadow monster was made of.

"What the hell?" She whispered to herself as she shot her hands at the monster, only for it to retreat backwards slowly. Could she control this thing? Whatever it was?

"This is a dream," Eve whispers to herself, "This is just a dream. Get it out of your head, Eve. You're dreaming. Wake up, Eve."

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