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Chapter Eighteen: Run
"Should I stay or should I go?"

Chapter Eighteen: Run"Should I stay or should I go?"

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"The mind flayer," Mike began explaining to everyone as they sat around, listening intently, "it built this monster on Hawkins, to stop Eve from killing it, and stop El from closing another gate and pave away into our world."

"And it almost did," Max said, her arm around Eve's waist, as Eve rested her head on Max's shoulder, "that was a tiny piece of it."

"How big is this thing?" Hopper asked, his arm around his daughter who was drinking a drink stolen from hot dog on a stick.

"Big," Eve mumbles to him, her eyes looking down at her hands and the mist she could create.

"Thirty feet at least," Johnathan specifies.

"Yeah," Lucas agrees with him, "it sorta destroyed your cabin. Sorry."

"Okay, So, just to be clear," Steve said from the other side of Eve, "this... big fleshy spider thing that hurt El and possessed my sister is some kind of gigantic... weapon?"

"Yeah," Nancy nods.

"But instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made its weapon... with melted people," He continued, the whole thing sounding insane.

"Yes, exactly," Nancy says as if it was normal.

"Yeah, I'm just making sure," Steve says as Eve walks away from Max to sit down on the water feature, grabbing the girls hand to follow.

"Are we sure this thing is out there, still alive?" Joyce finds herself asking as the two girls sit down, Eve instantly laying her head on Max's shoulder as the girl wrapped her arms around the Harrington.

"El and Eve beat the shit out of it, but yeah it's still alive," Max tells Joyce.

"But if we close the gate-" Will starts.

"For good this time," Eve continues, "we cut the brain from the body and kill it. But that's theoretical because I should've died last time."

"You did. You flatlined twice," Steve argues.

"But I still made it," Eve argues back, "how can we be sure all of it will die this time?"

Before anyone could come up with a logical answer, Murray ran over yelling, "yoo-hoo," as he came, slippers adorning his feet, "we have a plan, ladies and gentlemen!" He cheered.

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