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When they finally arrived at the school, it was dark out - Dustin and Steve were back to bickering for the whole car ride making it Max and Eve's personal hell as they both tried to block it out.

It was weird to be at the school at night, and rather creepy. the halls had no light, not a soul to be seen - it was a great place to shoot a horror movie, which didn't make Eve any less on edge.

the thing that broke through the silence of footsteps was Dustin's radio, the voice of Robin booming through the hall.

"Dustin, do you copy?" Her voice sounded on edge even through the radio, the sound of it making Eve move closer to her brother as they continued on down the hall.

"Yeah, I copy," Dustin replied quickly.

"So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959," Robin explained to him, making Eve and Steve share a look, why was this Demon so obsessed with Hawkins, "Her shot in the dark was a bullseye."

"Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now," Dustin responded, a little out of breath from the fast walking.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"Breaking and entering school," Dustin responded casually as if this was normal. Nothing about their lives was normal anymore, and it was becoming more and more agitating every day, "To retrieve confidential and extremely personal files."

"Can you repeat that?" Robin asked, a little confused by the whole situation.

"Just get your ass over here, stat," Dustin replied quickly, "We'll explain everything. Dustin then put down the antenna as Max got the keys out of her pocket, opening the door to the councillor's office - the door creaked, making the whole situation all the more creepy.

Max walked in first, the others following closely behind as they shone their flashlights into the room. Max headed straight over to the filing cabinet, looking at the different labels to find the one she needed.

"it's like a mini-watergate or something," Dustin comments looking around the room, the comment made Eve confused, but she didn't ask for an explanation as Max had opened the filing cabinet.

Eve walked over, helping Max look for the two they needed before her eyes fell upon her own file. She grabbed it, moving to the side to have a little look about what her councillor thought of her.

"Holy shit," Max exclaimed, grabbing two of the files.

"You found it?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing Ms Kelly too," Max told them, making both Dustin and Steve freeze a little from shock - there had to be a connection.

"What the fuck!" Eve suddenly exclaimed, making all three heads turn to her, thinking she'd found something important, "She called me short-tempered!"

"That doesn't matter right now," Steve said, snatching the file off of her and placing it back in the cabinet, "And she's not wrong, for the record."

Eve rolled her eyes at that, before looking at the task at hand. Max had moved to the desk, placing the files down and beginning to look through Chrissy's file. Steve and Dustin were on either side of her, Eve next to Steve, looking through Fred's - she wasn't really seeing anything out of the ordinary, but from the look on Max's face, something was connecting.

"Can I see Fred's file?" Max asked, making Eve nod and hand it over, hoping she'd have better luck with it, only thing she'd figured out about Fred was that he was in a car accident, poor guy. Max was quick while looking through them, her face becoming more and more worried.

"Max? What is it?" Dustin asked, Max staying still while looking straight ahead.

"Max?" Eve then asked, shaking her shoulder slightly. Max didn't react, still staying extremely still. Eve glanced at Steve, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know," Steve responded, just as confused, bending his body to look at Max in the eyes, her eyes were more white and they were slightly glossed over, making his own eyes widen a bit. The look on his face worried Eve even more.

"Max!" Eve yelled again, shaking her again, "Come on."

Max gasped, jumping back a little, making Eve back off. Max looked up to them all quickly, before jumping out of her seat and running down the hall.

The clock she had once seen was gone.

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