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Chapter 7: The Spy

"I can't seem to face up through the facts. I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax."


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Eve woke up in a bed she wasn't familiar with. She jumped up slightly, confused as to where she was or what she was doing there. She heard the beeping of a heart rate monitor and looked around. She noticed she was in a hospital gown, and was completely clean.

Before she could notice anything else she felt bile raise in her throat. She leaned over the side of her bed to see a bucket and grabbed it, throwing up instantly. What she didn't know was that Hopper was doing the same thing only a couple doors down.

She leant back in the bed after throwing up and breathed heavily. Her nose was stuffy, her eyes bloodshot and her cheeks rosy.

Then a doctor walked in, another following close behind with a suit in hand.

"Hello, Evangeline. How you feeling?" The doctor who does by Doctor Owens asks.

"Never better," she fake smiles. She didn't trust him, she didn't trust anyone who wore a lab coat - she wouldn't be surprised if there was a camera in the room watching her.

"Where am I?" She asks, sitting back as she tried to keep as far away from the doctors as possible.

"You're in Hawkins Lab. We found you in pain in some tunnels and brought you here," He says to her, "we cleared you of all contamination and pumped out your stomach, hence why you're only throwing bile up."

"Lovely," Eve mumbles.

"All right, well, got a present for ya,"
Doctor Owens says as Eve sniffles. The other doctor walks over to her and puts the suit down at the end of her bed.

"The hell is that?" Eve asks, wiping her nose on her hand as she tries to hold down vomit.

"Uh, something you should see."


Eve walked with the doctors, fully suited up, only to see Hopper there too already waiting. He looked just as bad as she did, but was relieved when he saw she was awake.

"Watch your step, kid," Hopper says to the girl as he puts out his hand for her to take. She takes it thankfully and keeps close to the only man she knew. There was doctor Owens and another doctor there too.

They suddenly started to go down, Eve shuffled a little, holding her breath to try and not throw up. They went further and further down and Eve just watched in awe, seeing a ginormous hole being covered by vines, like a gate. There was a red haze shining through, it was both beautiful and terrifying.

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