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Chapter 10: The Mind Flayer

"I want to live, I want to give, I've been a miner for a heart of gold."


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When Eve woke up she felt slightly better, she looked over at Max who was still by her side, her hand in Eve's. She smiled and squeezed Max's hand a little, making Max look up at her.

"Hey, voyager," Eve whispers, her voice was croaky from the screaming and her throat was killing her - but she didn't care about that.

Max let out a relieved and happy chuckle before leaning up and pulling Eve into a hug carefully. Eve hesitated for a moment as pain covered her body from contact before hugging back lightly, her eyes closing as she embraced the moment. She needed a hug from her best friend.

"Are you okay?" Max asks, pulling away to look at her face. It still had cuts covering it, but they looked a lot better than they had when covered in blood and dirt.

"M'okay," Eve mumbles with a small smile on her face, shaking slightly from the cold. She only had a thin shirt on, "kinda cold."

"Here," Max says, taking off her jacket and carefully helping Eve put it on. Eve smiles as a Thanks, she was a little smaller than Max, so it was a little big, "Where's everyone?"

"I'll take you to them," Max says, standing up and carefully helping Eve stand up - that meant holding one of Eve's hands while the other went around her waist, practically holding her up. Eve breathes deeply as they stand still for a moment, allowing Eve to get used to being up right.

She was dizzy from blood loss and standing up. Eve closed her eyes for a moment and winced in pain, as she took too deep of a breath. Max noticed and furrowed her eyebrows before asking the girl softly, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Eve mumbles, blinking quickly to get rid of the black spots that littered her vision. Max takes a slow step forward and Eve moves one wobbly leg forward to walk with her.

"You got it," Max whispers as Eve takes a moment. Eve wanted to cry in pain and frustration. She could barely move from pain, "You ready to move another step? We can take as long as you need, okay?"

"I can't do it," Eve let's out a little cry, tears welling in her eyes in anger and pain. Max's eyes widen at her vulnerable state, realising she shouldn't of got Eve to stand up.

"Steve?" Max shouted as Eve closed her eyes in pain, her headache worsening as she tried to stay calm. Steve came running through to see Eve standing up. Mike had run through with him, even angrier at Max when he saw that she'd got Eve to stand up.

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