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Chapter Nine: You fucked me over
"I'm the kind of guy who never used to cry. The world is treating me bad, misery."


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That night, everyone decided to go home and get a nights rest to calm down and think about what had happened. Eve, of course, didn't have a home to go to, but she didn't want to go to Max's for obvious reasons, and she didn't want to see Eleven. She walked down the road, her backpack on her back as she walked around the dark streets of Hawkins. She was downtown, near where the old shops were.

She was looking down at the ground as she walked, singing 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' quietly as she continued to walk down the road. She was sad, but not in a way of wanting to cry out forever, but in a way where her head felt cloudy and she felt like the world was weighing her down.

"Harrington!" Eve heard a voice shout, she looked up to see the one and only Lily H standing a little ahead of her. Eve smiled wide at the sight of her best friend.

"Lily!" She screamed, and ran at her best friend quickly, the two girls laughing loudly as they hugged, "How was Texas?"

"It was amazing," Lily gushed, "My mom sent me out to get some milk from seven eleven," she told her friend, "What are you doing out so late?"

"Walking back from Mike's," She tells the girl who rolls her eyes.

"Still hanging out with the nerds?" Lily asks.

"Yeah," Eve nods.

"And Max?" Lily continues.

"What about her?" Eve snaps at her friend, making Lily raise her hands in surrender.

"Touchy subject? What did you guys have an argument?" Lily asks, "You guys were so close, everyone started thinking you were lesbians."

"I like guys, why would I date a girl?" Eve lied, "That's so gay."

"Thank god," Lily breathed out, "Thought you were one of them."

"Never," Eve says through a fake smile, "Steve's expecting me home, so I better go," She lies, "See you soon, though?"

"Yeah," Lily smiles, "Bye Eve, I missed you."

"Missed you too," Eve gives Lily a hug before walking again, off to find somewhere to spend the night.


When Eve arrived at Mike's the next morning, everyone was listening to Eleven, who was explaining how Hopper wasn't home last night. No one said a word to her as she placed her bag by the stairs and walked into the bathroom, sorting out her hair quickly. She'd ended up sleeping on a park bench, which she didn't mind all that much.

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