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"Cheerios or Frosted flakes?" Eve asked Steve, holding up the two different cereal brands as they stood in a grocery store. The two Harringtons had been given the task to buy things for Eddie so he didn't starve to death. The only problem is, neither of them knew Eddie all that well - they had no idea if he liked certain foods and hated other ones, so it was a shot in the dark.

"Cheerios, they're better dry. Frosted Flakes dry just taste like cardboard," Steve said, making Eve nod as she dropped the box into the cart, Steve pushing it along as she looked through the isles. Since moving out from home, it was usually Eve who picked out the food, and Steve who paid for it, so he let her have free reign over deciding what Eddie should have.

"You think he believes us?" Eve then asked as she browsed a couple of snacks, grabbing a couple of granola bars for Eddie and throwing them into the cart.

"I mean, after what he saw? It'd be hard not to," Steve says with a shrug, "Plus, he plays D&D with Dustin, right? It makes sense that he'd believe it over someone who has no idea what the monsters we faced were."

Eve nodded, reading the back of a cookie box.

"Are you okay, by the way?" Steve asked her, "You know, whole new thing coming into the mix, shit's a little scary."

"I'm fine," Eve says quickly, throwing the cookies into the cart and walking ahead quickly, causing Steve to practically run with the cart to keep up with her.

"It's alright if you're not, you know, I'd get it," Steve says.

"I'm fine, Steve, I think we're done here," She tells him, looking at the cart. He looks down for a second before nodding his head and taking it to the checkout. He turns to Eve, grabbing his keys from his pocket.

"You can go to the car," he tells her, making her nod and head out of the shop while he checks out and pays, she knows this wasn't him being kind, but rather Heidi on the checkout desk. He really was girl-obsessed.

At least one of the Harrington siblings was.


On the way to Eddie's, Steve had picked up Robin, Max and Dustin, the three in the back talking strategy for what they had coming and how they were gonna pitch their plan to Eddie - all the while Eve and Steve sat silently in the front of the car.

Their arrival was quick, and they headed inside quickly, all carrying a bag. Eve was the first one inside, seeing a jumpy Eddie staring at them with wide eyes, assuming the worst.

"Delivery service," Dustin spoke up, putting his head on Eve's shoulder, the action making her flinch slightly and nudge him off, heading into the shed and placing her bag on the desk that stood in the corner.

"We got you cheerios rather than frosted flakes, hope that's good," Eve says to him, getting the box out and handing it over to him. He opened it quickly, shovelling it down his throat as everyone placed their own bags down and went to sit around Eddie.

"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news," Dustin spoke first, deciding he was probably the best person to start the conversation - Eddie knew him well, and the rest of them were practically strangers to him, "How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first, always," Eddie says, gulping the iced tea they had bought for him, before filling his mouth with cheerios once again.

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