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The group had found themselves back at skull rock, cowering under it as bats flew over them. It was terrifying, knowing these little killers were so close to finding them. Not to mention two out of five were badly injured. One was dealing with it like a normal person, wincing every once in a while, trying to play it off cool, the other was just bouncing on adrenaline, pretending that it hadn't happened.

You can guess which Harrington was which.

They'd made it there just in time, he bats alarmingly close when they all dived under, all silent as they tried to keep quiet, as not to give out their whereabouts.

"That was close," Robin whispered as they all flew over, leaving the red the group was hiding.

"Yeah," Eddie mumbled, his voice cracking, "too close."

Eve was silent, staying cowered in the corner as she breathed deeply.

"Oh... shit," Steve whispered, almost falling over if he hadn't reached the rock. That speaker Eve's interest, the girl looking over at him worried as Nancy rushed over.

"Steve?" Nancy asked quietly, helping him stabilise himself, "Jesus."

"I'm fine," Steve promised, making Eve's eyebrows furrow as she stood up, still dizzy herself, and headed over to help Nancy.

"No," Nancy shook her head, "No you're not, you're losing blood. Come on, sit, alright?" She helped him get to the floor as Eve sat down by his side, staring at his wounds with a helpless look on her face, She could've done more to help, she could've stopped this.

The wounds looked disgusting and made all of them gasp.

"Um, okay," Robin moved to bend down next to Eve, "so the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies, but if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know."

"Robin," Steve murmured as Nancy ripped off some of her clothes to make a bandage for Steve.

"Yeah?" Robin asked.

"I kinda wanna punch you," He told her.

Robin laughed, "Sense of humour's still intact, that's a good sign."

"I don't think he's trine be funny," Eve muttered, grabbing her arms as she stood up, knowing Steve was in good hands. She walked out from under the rock, grabbing her arm as she winced.

Steve was worse, he needed the help.

She looked down at her hands again - she'd never really grasped how to use her powers properly, never really having time to experiment with them, they were only used in moments of life and death, and if they wanted a shot of getting out of there, she needed to be ready.

She looked at a vine no longer attached to the floor, shrivelled up and dead, and put her hand out slowly, focusing all of her mind on moving the piece of vine. She watched as the mist slowly left her hand, reaching to the vine and lifting it into the air - she was unaware of Eddie Munson watching, still a bit shocked.

She got it up into the tree mine, before putting her hand into a fist, pressing it into her palms as her nails began to cut her skin, and watched as the vine exploded into tiny parts, falling to the ground.

voyager // max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now