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Chapter 19: The Hospital

"Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?"

"Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?"

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It was a week later, and Eve was doing a little better. She was still in hospital, but now she was in a stable condition.

When Max arrived to check up on her with flowers she'd grabbed from a neighbours garden in her hands, Eve was asleep. Max smiled at the sight of her, she looked so peaceful.

She put the flowers down on Eve's bedside table and took her frail hand in hers. Max sighed as she squeezed it - accidentally waking Eve up, but Eve kept her eyes closed as Max spoke.

"I can't believe what you told me in the arcade was real," Max says to her 'sleeping' body, "I remember while you were telling me the story, I kept on zoning out because you looked so beautiful. Everything about you captivated me and I kept on running back to you even when I didn't want to. When we found you that night when you were attacked by the demo-dogs, I remember my heart sank. Seeing you in so much pain was horrible, all I wanted to do was take it away and wrap you in bubble wrap so you could never get hurt ever again," Max giggles to herself as Eve suppresses a grin, "I really like you, Eve. I have since that day I helped you skateboard. Holding your hands made my chest tingle and my stomach erupt with butterflies and just looking at you made my days brighter - you made moving to Hawkins worth it. What am I doing? I'm talking to a sleeping girl that I think I'm in love with."

"I think I'm in love with you too, Maxine," Eve whispers, opening her eyes. Max's eyes widen as a smile appears and her face turns a deep crimson.

"You heard all that?" Max asks shyly while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Every word," Eve smiles, sitting up on the bed, "and all I can say is, i feel the same."

"That's good," Max smiles, moving closer to the girl, "Because if you didn't I'd be so embarrassed."

Eve let out what could only be described as a giggle. She had a dimple in her cheek when she smiled and Max's stomach twisted. Max was overcome with the urge to lean forward and kiss it.

So she did, her lips brushing against Eve's dimple as light as she could manage. She felt the indent over her lips, a small crater of smooth skin that immediately heated up under her touch. "What was that for?"

"You have a dimple," Max said simply. She gazed at Eve, watching the way Eve's lips were parted and her cheeks were dusted with pink. And they were in a hospital, doing something which was seen as completely wrong to most people, but Max didn't really care at that moment.

She didn't care when she pressed a thumb where her lips had just touched, or when Eve raised a shaky hand to brush her hair away from her eyes. She didn't care when her fingers trailed lightly down Eve's cheekbone, or when Eve suddenly leaned so close that Max could feel her warm breath against her face. And she definitely didn't care when Eve was pressing her lips to Max's own, kissing her slowly and with so much emotion that Max couldn't even comprehend that she was kissing this girl.

All she knew was that Evangeline Harrington was kissing her, Maxine Mayfield, and that was more than alright.

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