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Chapter twenty: one last fight
"I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever."


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Eve was paralyzed. She tried keeping her cool, but inside she was trembling like a sheet. She didn't want to die,  she knew she had to fight. She was ready.

"I'm not letting you get her," Eve snaps at the boy as he walks closer, "you'll have to go through me."

"Gladly," He smirked.

He saw Eve's fists ball up and he licked his lips excitedly. She stepped forward and punched in Billy's direction, but he dodged. She hit again with her other hand and hit Billy on his temple near his eye. She went for the third time but Billy grasped her arm and twisted it, causing Eve to howl in pain. He put his foot on her hip and pushed her aside.

Eve regained her balance as she watched Billy start to walk off, and immediately turned her body at him and launched at him. She tugged at his hair violently, growling in the effort. Billy hissed, grabbing his opponent's wrists to shove her away. She was pulling so hard that when Billy managed to set himself free, he felt hair ripping off his scalp. Eve smirked.

"Fucking bitch," Billy hissed.

Eve didn't see the punch coming, The pain in her nose seized her immediately. She gripped it instinctively and felt the string of blood stain his hands. Before she could even think of how to retaliate, she felt another punch right under her chin that propelled her back slightly.

Gathering all of her remaining strength and sparing a thought for Steve and Max, she clenched her fists, ready to fight back until her muscles couldn't handle it anymore.

Eve put her fist in front of her and struck Billy on the lip. It split and started bleeding. Billy stood there for a moment, surprised, and Eve took this moment to launch herself at him and make him fall backward.

She straddled him and locked her knees around his body. She put both hands on his face and scratched him as hard as she could. He hit his elbow on Eve's side, which made her fall on the ground next to him with a low grunt. Billy quickly straddled her in return and held up his hands, licking his lips in pure dementia.

His hands went around her neck quickly, making her gasp as she grabbed at his hands, but he was too strong. She let out a cry as her head felt like it was exploding, the pain becoming unbearable as she let out a cry.

He stared into her eyes, her not recognising the boy behind them as she fought for breath, but with no reward. She let out a last cry followed by a weak scream as she went completely limp.

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