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Chapter 5: No Closed Doors

"Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better."


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Eve arrived at school the next day thanks to Steve, he dropped her off right in front so she just had to walk inside, get through the day and leave again. As she went to leave the car, he stopped her.

"Now remember, if anything happens ask the lady at the front desk to page me and if she says no start to cry. They always listen to you if you cry," Steve says to her, sliding his sunglasses onto his face. She'd bought him those sunglasses a year ago for his birthday- he wore them all the time.

"Gee, do you know from experience?" Eve asks sarcastically.

"Love you too," Steve replies and she rolls her eyes, getting out of the car and taking off her jacket. She was really warm, while everyone around her was wearing jackets and jumpers she was in a thin top.

She started to walk into school when Dustin stopped her, "Hey, Uh, do you know where the party is?"

"No." She says as Dustin starts to follow her, she doesn't go inside, knowing the heating is on and she'll feel like she's in a sauna, so she starts to walk around the school.

"Uh... so how are you feeling?" Dustin asks, "any better after yesterday?"

She doesn't respond as she keeps on walking. She then sees Max, Mike and Lucas by a bin. She goes to turn around when Dustin stops her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong, Eve?" Dustin asks her as Max and Mike approach, Lucas was trying to get out the trash where they'd thought to look for dart.

"Nothing," Eve says, crossing her arms over her chest. She really just wanted to leave - she hated having to push away the ones she really wanted the most, but the world's unfair like that.

"What happened yesterday?" Max asked the girl, trying to get her to open up, "you just disappeared."

Instead of answering Max's question, her eyes caught Mike's arm which had a line of cuts that looked like nails, "d-did I do that?" Eve asks Mike quietly, her eyes stuck looking at his wrist.

"Uh- Yeah," Mike says before moving his arm out of view, "but it's not your fault, Eve. You were scared, I'm not mad at you."

He sent the girl a smile that she gave back slightly. She felt bad for him, but it just proved that it wasn't safe to be around her. She was strong before yesterday, being known around the school for having a good right hook that she'd definitely used on more than one person, but now with this shadow thingy possessing her who knows what she could do.

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