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Chapter Seventeen: Chocolate Milk
"Reunited and it feels so good."


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Twenty minutes later and they'd fixed Eve up and had moved on to eleven. As they all got to work helping Eleven, Eve turned away from the scene, heading for the drinks slowly and grabbing herself some chocolate milk. She leaned against the fridge as she started to drink her drink.

She saw Nancy and Johnathan come around the corner, seeing her and smiling softly.

"You okay?" Johnathan asks her, making her nod as him and Nancy grabbed two big bottles of water that max had made them get.

"Surviving," Eve replied simply, making the two nod, Johnathan staring at the floor. Eve sighed as she decided to adress what happened, "I don't blame you, Johnathan."

"I'm still sorry," He replies. Eve just shakes her head with a sad smile and watch as tand walk off again. Eve sighed, watching them walk, and slid down the fridge, sitting down on the floor slowly to not put herself in more pain.

Eventually, a body sat down next to her. Eve looked over to see Max Mayfield. She sighed and looked forwards again.

The two sat in silence for a moment, before Eve made the first move. She put her head on Max's shoulder, prompting the girl to put her arm around Eve and hold her.

"Is el okay?" Eve asked.

"Yeah," Max told her, "she's sitting with mike for a minute."

"Are you okay?" Eve finds herself hesitating to ask. Max sighs a little, to be honest her neck really hurt, but she knew it wasn't Eve that had done it.

"Yeah." Max smiles softly.

"I'm so sorry-" Eve began to apologise again, but Max cut her off.

"It wasn't you." She told the girl. "It wasn't, so don't blame yourself."

"Even Stevens?" Eve found herself asking.

"Even Stevens," Max responds, They both laughed before going back to a comfortable silence.

"chocolate milk?" Eve asked, holding the carton up to Max, who giggled before taking a sip from the straw.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike shouted coming around the corner with the rest of the gang, "Dustin called, but we only heard certain words."

"Where is he?" Eve asked, springing back into the drama that was their lives.

"We don't know," Nancy explained to them, "we need el to find them."

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