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Shit. Harry knew he was fucked, fucked in the sense that he smelled like an alpha, the scent so strong that he barely managed to breathe in air. Even with his eyes shut, he knew Louis was spooning him from behind, arms caging him with a firm hold, one arm over his belly and the other under his head, and well, Louis had a little problem that made Harry very aware of how slick he himself was.

He was mortified, conflicted between wanting to flee or to pretend to be asleep so that Louis would be the one to catch them in the situation. Fleeing would mean moving, and any movement would only risk waking the alpha. He chose to shut his eyes, be selfish, hold back his tears as he felt more slick leak out of him. It was only natural, given both alphas and omegas were bound to mate, breed and produce pups.

His heart was racing, so much that Harry was pretty sure he was going to have a heart attack, and then Louis' warm breath began to fan against the skin of his neck, his nose running over its expanse. He was still asleep, Harry could tell that from the way his breathing was even and his body heavy. Harry did not know what to do when Louis began to rut against him, feeling his own shorts dampen further as Louis' hardness brushed against his clothed flesh in a feral pace.

Louis let out a groan, ferocious and raw, and Harry could not help but whimper. He had never encountered an alpha so dominating. Yes, Carl had a sense of dominance, but not because of his personality or scent, but because of how cruel he was with his hands. Harry's omega never submitted to him, rather, he was broken to it.

"Fuck." He heard Louis swore restlessly, now awake as he scrambled away with curses trailing after him. Harry pretended to be in a deep slumber, but his ears were alert, trying to envision Louis through his hearing. "Shit. Fuck. Motherfucker." He said nothing apart from curses, but his steps were rushed and heavy, moving from one end of the room to another; pacing. The scent of his arousal was suffocating, growing headier each second, Harry's mind clouding. 

Then Louis was gone, a loud thud of his bathroom door followed by the sound of his shower.

Finally, Harry blinked his eyes open, staring up as the tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. He did not think much before slipping out of the bed, wincing at the dampness of his shorts. He glanced at cow, the kitten blinking up at him with big, blue eyes and a face that somehow looked healthier, more refreshed. He knew he could not stay and face Louis. So he left a note, taking Cow with him and rushing towards his flat.

Late for work, did not wanna disrupt your shower. See you later. x

- H

It broke something inside Harry as he weighed the situation properly. Louis was his only friend, the only person Harry had in the world. He hated himself for acting like a whore, getting slick for an alpha that was not even his, who did not even want Harry in a more coherent state, who flinched away from Harry upon consciousness taking over him. Carl was right, had always been. Perhaps, Harry did deserve all the things Carl did to him. Harry was only proving Carl right, falling for any alpha that as much as smiled at him.

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