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The loneliness felt too loud. Each day, surrounded by both Louis and Zayn, Harry hadn't felt more alone. They did not see him anymore, did not see how much in pain he was. Perhaps, Zayn saw, even tried to confront Harry on a total of five occasions, but Harry couldn't explain it. How was he to? He did not know what he was feeling himself. It was a massacre of emotions, each day consumed by the darkness. He could not bear being near Louis and not having him as his, getting treated like he was nothing but a womb for his pups.

The flat was beginning to mould into a form of an enemy, a dark something that humoured Harry's desolation with outstretched arms choking him. He hated being inside, being left alone for the hours when both the alphas worked. It was like he could no longer breathe or move, paralysed by the pain and his helplessness.

"I can't do this anymore." The silence that followed after his uncalled eruption was crippling, both the alphas looking down at Harry with wide eyes as if he had spoken a language from ages ago. "I need to get out of here. I can't stay inside another minute! I swear I will go mad. Please, Zayn, take me away. I cannot look at the same fucking window for the nineteenth day now." The three of them were merely packing up for the visit to the doctor's, Zayn insisting he took Harry while Louis retaliated with the age old reminder that those were his pups.

"But I am —"

"We." Louis interrupted gravely.

"—taking you to the scan today. You'll get to be outside soon, babes." It wasn't that simple. He knew they would only help him into the car and then the scan bed and then thrust him in the flat again. Harry refused to let that happen. It was suffocating him, these walls, they almost seemed to close together each passing second until Harry needed to get out. But the two alphas did not seem to get it, no one did. Everyone just loved to advice Harry, but no one ever put themselves in his shoes. So he began to cry, angry tears streaming down his face as he threw a few plushies at both of the alphas.

"Don't cry, Haz," Harry shoved Louis away as he tried to near him. He did not need any hollow consolidations. "We will get ice-cream after. I promise." Like he promised they'd still remain friends? Yeah, Harry believed him.

"I wanna go to the park. I don't care if either of you are coming with me or not, but I refuse to spend 'nother moment in this bloody flat." He was throwing off the blanket that Louis had placed over him in a breath, the doctor had informed him damn well that he could take walks as long as it was not any sort of strenuous activity. He did not storm out though, as much as he wanted a dramatic exit, he remembered he had a scan. Fucking pregnancy brain. "After the scan." He huffed.

"I'll come with you, yeah? Buy you your smoothie and feed the duckies." Zayn rubbed his shoulders with warm hands, his hard chest pressed against Harry's back as he pulled him towards the bed. "You don't have to go alone."

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