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Louis' hands shook in Harry's grasp as he rang the doorbell, the all too familiar door in front of them, igniting a sense of bittersweet nostalgia.

"It's alright," Harry consoled, scenting Louis. Déjà vu, he thought, when Katherine opened the door and Harry's face was still buried in the warm crook of Louis' neck. He blushed crimson, pulling away to offer her a shy wave, "hello."

Her eyes were big, not the usual, pretty sort of wide but an astounded glint in them familiar blues. She breathed in confusion, "you two....? Like, what are you two doing... together... here?" She asked, not making an attempt to move away from the entryway, door half opened. "Harry, is he — did he do something? Is he... forcing you to come here?"  Louis went stiff against Harry. Harry wanted nothing more than to hug his pain away.

"I'm perfectly fine, Katherine. I — we are here to talk to you. We as in Lou and I together. I think you two have some words to say to each other." He offered her a smile, a faux something to max his inner agita. Katherine did not move, her eyes fixed on her son, a long in them, overpowered by disappointment. "Well? Won't you let us in?"

"Sure," she mumbled, opening the door for them both. Louis' hands were trembling with a whisper of ice on them, his scent nervous. Harry kissed the side of his cheek, trying to comfort the father of his pups. The house was quiet like it usually was, but it did not feel warm, Katherine's rigidness was like frost on the walls. Harry realised it was Katherine who made the place a home, not the bricks and walls. Harry sat down first, urging Louis to do the same with a tug while Katherine settled on the recliner.

Déjà vu.

"So?" She began, looking between their faces and their twined hands. "How are the pups, Harry?"

"Painfully lovely. Givin' me a run for the loo every next minute." He blushed when Louis' hand grazed his bump, mindlessly petting it while Harry spoke. He caught the curiosity in Katherine's eyes. "We have another scan next week. I s'pose we'll find out about the sex then."

"We? As in you and Zayn?"

"As in Harry and I. My pups, mum; of course, I will take him." Louis spat bitterly. Harry had picked up that Zayn was a sour subject for his alpha. Katherine seemed unfazed, in fact, she looked every bit of a pissed mother as she narrowed her eyes at Louis.

"You told him?" She accused. "After everything, Harry?"

"He had his reasons. I do not forgive him, but I understand. You once told me you will support whatever my decision was. I've decided I want this, Kathie, I want Louis. I want a family."

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