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"I'm pregnant

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"I'm pregnant." He told Zayn, still shocked himself. The air felt like it had stilled in piercing seconds, every breath morphing into a ghoulish scream.

"Holy fucking shit, I'm going to be a father!" Even the sly humour did not shift his mood the slightest.

"Fuck off, Zayn." Harry growled, tears burning his eyes. He was sitting on the toilet, hands shaking like a frail leaf as he breathed deeply to calm himself. After so many years, years of yearning and praying, he was finally pregnant. But he did not feel the joy he had always thought he would, no, he felt terrified. It was two and a half months after Louis left, the symptoms were too prominent to be ignored, and now he was pregnant and alone, the father not even returning his calls.

"Don't cry, babes," Zayn cooed, stalking towards him the short distance of the sink and the toilet and enveloping him in a hug, disregarding that Harry was half naked, holding a stick that had his piss on it. "It's a beautiful thing, a baby. Don't cry because of that knothead." He consoled, combing through Harry's hair with his fingers as Harry breathed in his scent and sighed deeply.

"My pup won't have a father." Was what he said to Zayn, screwing his eyes shut as he cried brokenly. It was one of his deepest fears, something that crawled beneath his skin and oftentimes haunted his nights; having a child without a father. He did not care what anyone else thought, but he knew he never ever wanted his child to grow up without one of their parents. "My pup will hate me for it."

"Harry, look, you can't think like that. You better not have him in your life at all than get hurt each time that man is with you. You are so strong, babes, you don't need him to take care of you." Zayn's words were comforting, almost convincing in a way Harry was tempted to believe him, but Harry knew a pup was a very expensive thing, and yes, he could provide for them, but it wouldn't come easily. He did not know how to tell Louis, either, not that the alpha had responded yet.

"I am scared," he told Zayn. "I am only twenty one, Zayn, I am only twenty one."

"People younger than you have done it."

"People who had a family to support them." He corrected defeatedly, pressing his cheek against Zayn's bicep. Fuck, this was happening. He was having a baby, he was having a baby without Carl in his life, or Louis.

"You have me," Zayn spoke against his hair and Harry felt his smile against it. He cried harder, feeling small in Zayn's embrace. "I'll be there at every turn. I have extra money, I will take care of the pup like my own. I promise."

"This is not your mess, Zayn. You have a life, a future, ahead of you. You don't have to waste your money on a fuck up like me." It was so unfair that it was Zayn who was comforting Harry, who was taking responsibility for something that wasn't even biologically his. It was not fair. "I can't ask that from you. I appreciate you, Z, I really do, but I can't drag you along with me."

"I don't mind, Harry. You are my friend and I care for you. I don't like that you are crying because of that— that man when you should be happy. I've seen you with kids, Harry, I know how much they mean to you. And you are already a mother to Cow, this one will just talk and take up a bit more space. You'll be alright, I know you will."

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