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"Of course, I have been takin' my medicines, Zayn, I am not careless."

"But you are pregnant," came the answer from the other end, screaming fans echoing behind. "Pregnancy brain and all."

"I think I am good." Pulling on his raincoat, Harry walked into the garden, Cow at his feet as Harry pressed the phone between his shoulder and ear while he began to pluck a few tulips. "How's work, though? I read the last article about you in the street fashion meet. You dyed your hair pink and did not even bother telling me."

Zayn's answer was a huff before Harry heard a shrill honk. "For fuck's sake, someone's thrown themself in front of my car." He groaned. Harry gave a sigh, he knew how deeply Zayn despised this portion of his work. One of the pups kicked as Harry walked back into the kitchen, pulling off his rain boots and putting Zayn on speaker, hearing the alpha curse through the line.

"Is anyone hurt, Z?" Harry asked, sitting down before he caught a whiff of something burning. Yeah, shit, his potatoes. Pregnancy brain after all.

"Just this omega, babes, I s'pose he's a fan. Listen, love, I'll call you back later, yeah? Gotta take care of this one." Harry could clearly hear the commotion through the speaker.

"Yeah sure. Stay safe, Z. Love ya." And Harry never expected Zayn to say those words back. Because he knew. He knew when Zayn would say it, it'd mean something else. The line went silent as Harry sat there, pulling out a batch of partially burnt-baked potatoes and patting his eight-month old bump.

He was huge now, a proper bump housing twins. He was on his maternity leave, which, yes, he despised. He hated being home all alone, having no one but his kitten to keep him company. Louis was working extra hours so he could get some time off once the pups were born, meaning he came home exhausted and late.

Today, though, Harry was anticipating his alpha's arrival like a child it's birthday, knowing well that the alpha got a half day since there was a storm brewing up north. Now, Harry was not one to pray for natural calamities, but he wasn't ungrateful for one if it brought along his boyfriend returning to him sooner.

With a hiccup, he finally set the ugly batch of burnt potatoes on the tabletop, unable to look at them as he felt tears prickling in his eyes. He was awfully sensitive these days, and to have to look at the disaster that the potatoes were somehow reminded Harry of all the children who were probably starving, deprived of such luxuries as he was experiencing now.

He was an awful person.

He was also very hungry.

He knew the burnt bits might contain carbon in amounts which could harm the pups but he was not keen on making another batch, and given how big his appetite had become these days, he munched on the potatoes with a dip of honey, pouting as he grimaced at the foul bitterness.

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