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"I know you love to move, my loves, but mummy needs to sleep too, you know? He's growing you two inside his tummy, providing you lot a home for now, but he needs to rest for a while. I know how excited you are, duckies, but mummy gets tired. How about we keep the kicking down for a while, huh? Let mummy sleep for 'nother hour." It was awfully heartwarming, actually, to see the love of his life whisper to their pups in Harry's tummy while Harry pretended to be asleep, morning calm and lazy. He had woken up a while ago — because honestly, the duckies won't stop fucking kicking his ribcage— but Louis was too adorable, with his messy hair and tired eyes, caressing Harry's bump with his gentlest touch, and softest words spilling out of his lips.

"I cannot wait to hold you two in my arms, duckies," he whispered again, a feathery kiss being placed on Harry's bump, then another. Louis had pulled Harry's nightdress up, revealing his seven month old bump. One of them kicked, Harry had to suppress a groan. "Now, that's not very nice of you, ducky. Mummy's restin', you cannot have him all tired."

"I think I woke up around 'I wanna marry your mummy and make more siblings for you lot'." Harry teased, not opening his eyes as he stretched out his arms for Louis, making grabby gestures. He felt Louis' lips on his the next second, a smile on it as they kissed slowly, as warm as their love. It was a Sunday after all, neither of them had work. "Where's the ring then, Tomlinson?" He teased further, carding his fingers through Louis' hair as he opened his eyes to meet with Louis'. Heavens, his alpha was ethereal.

"Aren't you a little too excited, soon-to-be-Tomlinson?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I haven't said yes."

"That's because I have not asked you yet, baby," Louis winked, kissing Harry's cheek. Fuck, Louis was good at this. "Did you get any sleep at all?" Concerned took over Louis' features as he glanced at Harry's face. Harry knew he looked like shit, with eyebags and all. He sighed, pulling Louis against his chest while the alpha wrapped his arms around Harry's middle.

"Won't stop kicking." Harry mumbled, fingers gently massaging Louis' hair. The alpha kissed his collarbone softly as Harry looked down, Louis' eyes holding sympathy in them. "I am so tired, Lou, and everything hurts." 

"I am so sorry, baby, I'd take every bit of your pain away if I could. You are so strong, darlin', 'm bloody proud of ya." Harry's eyes watered, because of-fucking-course (wanker hormones), dipping down to kiss Louis.

"Fuck me, please." He begged, his hand trailing down to grope Louis' arse. Louis moaned into his mouth, his hand cupping Harry's tit. They had not had time for each other all week, and when they were in bed, Harry was too knackered to start anything. It was killing Harry to not feel the burn of Louis' touch on his skin, to have his mouth on places Harry was aching to have him.

"Shit, you are so hot, sweetheart." Harry sat up against his pillows as Louis pulled his gown off completely, his skilled hands tracing Harry's skin like an artist his canvas with paint. Harry was bigger now, filled with every insecurity that was there, but he had Louis, Louis who kissed every stretch-mark, Louis who claimed his love for every curve and edge, Louis who showed him he loved them. Harry let him choose the pace, settling comfortably against the pillows while Louis pushed down his own pants. "How d'ya wan' it?"

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