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The past days were a haze

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The past days were a haze.

Harry remembers the feeling of holding his pups to his chest as they weakly attempted to scent their mother. He recalls the immense pain that bloomed throughout him and he recalls the look on Louis face, begging and begging for Harry to stay awake before darkness fell over him.

He remembers falling in and out of consciousness, being laid flat on a stretcher and moved as his blurry gaze focused on Louis' blood-soaked clothes, and then it was blank again.

He woke up again somewhere between the warm touch of Louis' hand holding his in prayer, and of him murmuring wordlessly with a tired face. He remembered the moment Louis realised Harry's consciousness and how he cried out for a doctor.

And then it was dark again.

Now, though it was still dark, Harry knew he was awake, could hear the two distinct voices in the room with him, could smell the familiar scent of sterilisers and sickness and the two most important alphas in his life in the air.

"He's getting better, he has to." It was Zayn, Harry could bet his soul on it that it was Zayn who was speaking.

"He has been out for days, Malik, bloody days. You weren't there when he -- when I had to rush him here." He was clearly shaken, this voice. Louis' tired and trembling rasp filling Harry with worry. "I can't lose him. Not after everthing."

He could smell it in his scent, the fading hints of sweetness of it, slowly being replaced by the sad sourness.

"He has had a fucking haemorrhage, he needs time to recover."

And then there was a shuffle and a sniff, Louis' broken voice coming out in a barely-there whisper. "The pups need him."

But it was not like Harry was enjoying hearing the love of his life suffer, he truly was not, and no matter how hard he attempted to open his eyes, he was met with darkness again and again. He wanted so desperately to hold his pups, to care for them and love them. Harry did not even know how long he had gone without his pups!

"You can't lose hope," Harry heard Zayn, even his voice wet, and Harry knew the alpha was on the verge of a breakdown. Harry tried again, moving his finger this time and succeeding, praying that one of them had noticed. "You need to be strong for your pups."

"That's all I have been doing! I work and I look after my pups, and then I walk in here and I --" the crack in Louis' voice was enough to break Harry's heart. His alpha wretched out a sob. "And I walk in here, seeing him this-this ill, this lifeless."

Lou, Harry wanted to say, plead, scream, but he realised his mouth did not move.

He tried again, so hard that his head began to pound and he managed a quiet mumble before everything fell silent.

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