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Louis' lips felt like the bloom of spring, soft and sweet, yet his movements were hungered and hasty like a bee

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Louis' lips felt like the bloom of spring, soft and sweet, yet his movements were hungered and hasty like a bee. The first touch of their lips was like a collision of emotions laced by desire, a roaring fire fuelled by oil. He was everywhere while their mouths danced together, hands tearing Harry's T-shirt into shreds before they roamed his bare skin as if memorizing, burning every inch of Harry in their scorching wake. Harry did not know what to do, how to react, how to speak. His breath was running out as was his heart pounding against Louis' clothed chest like those were its last beats, hips moving in yearn for some friction.

Then Louis' hands were on Harry's clothed arse, fingers digging into the thin material of his cycling shorts before Harry sighed as it was being ripped apart along with his pants. He did not even grieve for his clothes when the cool air hit his flaming skin, then the warmth of Louis' wanting hands were back on his, now naked, skin. Louis had stopped kissing him, moving towards Harry's chest as he kissed his skin. Harry knew he would taste of sweat as his skin flushed further, their scents twining into arousal.

"My Omega," Louis growled as Harry saw nothing of Louis in those eyes of lust and darkness, undeniable want coursing through them. Harry was too docile himself, not at all cognisant, whimpering and mouthing Louis' throat. He revelled at the way Louis' stubble felt against his bare chest when the alpha took his hardened nub in his mouth, arching and crying out with the pleasure he received, Louis warm, wet mouth blessed by the heaven.

"Alpha," he gasped as another gush of slick spilled out of him and onto Louis' lap that was still covered with his clothes, attempting to grind his hardness against Louis' thigh. "Please." He begged, crying as it grew unbearable to be left empty, wanting. Louis halted, biting his fleshy chest fervently before forcing Harry off of him and positioning him to present. Harry marvelled at the thought of being bred by Louis, to be taken from his behind like an alpha did in its most primal state.

"Mine. Only mine," Louis breathed, burning hands all over Harry's sweaty skin. "My Omega." Harry preened at those words, pushing his arse up in the air for the alpha to mount him. Louis desired him, he wanted Harry, he called Harry his. Every second that Louis was away from him, it felt like a stab. He wanted to be near the alpha, he wanted them to be locked together. Fuck, he whined when his slick ran down his thighs, hole leaking in await. He felt as something feral unleashed within Louis as he breathed in Harry's scent and buried himself between Harry's wetness, ravaging tongue finally soothing the ache of being empty by breaching his entrance.

Harry let out something akin to a scream and a moan, his fingers clutching his bedding like a hanging frame the edge of a cliff, and eyes welling up. Louis took no mercy as he devoured Harry, his tongue rough and relentless, harsh palms parting Harry's flesh for better access to where Harry needed him the most. His mind was nothing but chants of Louis and his want for him.

He was floating with the guide being Louis' name.

"Lou," Harry gasped when he felt a finger slip along Louis' tongue, his slick flowing unstoppably. His mouth opened in a soundless scream when the alpha jabbed his spot harshly, then continuing to aim for it while Harry sobbed. He realised he came somewhere in between when he felt Louis pull away, the blunt head of his cock being rubbed over his hole next. Harry clenched in want, backing up to urge the alpha, his slick trickling down his trembling thighs.

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