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Here's a lil mood board cos I can't stay off Pinterest 💀

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Here's a lil mood board cos I can't stay off Pinterest 💀

Here's a lil mood board cos I can't stay off Pinterest 💀

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The day was grey. It was grey and sad and boring because Louis was not there and he did not have work. Cow was sprawled across the couch with his fluffy tail swinging back and forth as he watched the rain drops trickle down through their patio door, barely sparing Harry a glance, a clear indication that the four-month-old was not intending to move anytime soon.

"D'ya think my heat will kick in this week?" He asked his kitten, pouring himself a cuppa. Cow merely mewled, rotating his head a full rotation and flinging one paw in the air as he watched Harry move and sit on the rug, before flipping onto his back and clawing Harry's worn out T-shirt. He had given it up ever since the kitten started clawing everything in his sight. Better his T-shirt than the corners of the couch.

He last had his heat the day after Louis and him had their picnic night out. It was fucking awkward when he woke up slick and warm, having to rush dropping off Cow at Louis' with his skin blooming shades of ruby and his scent undoubtedly lingering in the air. He had almost begged Louis to take him when the alpha had let out a growl, his eyes gone black while Harry had trembled until Louis' senses clicked and he locked himself inside his flat with a protesting Cow in his arms.

That was his first heat without Carl. It had felt different. Harry no longer had to endure the ache of whatever sinister thing Carl was going to do to him, take advantage of his vulnerable state. It was painful spending it alone, but he would take that pain over spending it with Carl at any given day.

He shook his head while taking a sip, the glass of the patio door fogging as the rain intensified. He knew he was not going to get his heat today, given he still felt like himself. Sure, he had built a few nests here and there since the past few days, but in no way was he going into heat until the day after at least.

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