Chapter 38

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Lucas' P.O.V.

I look around in confusion.

"Stop! " someone screams again.

All eyes are now on Missy. She looks really mad.

"you're suppose to marry me, you're suppose to not fall in love with little kid! " she yells waking up to me.
"she's not a kid and I an in love with her" I say, getting to keep my anger down. I look around and see Maya, she's mad to.
"you're in love with, this? Or me? " she says
"Riley. " I say
"Boop! " she yells pushing Riley backwards, she tries to catch herself, but can't and she falls to the floor. I push Missy put of the way, and get Riley.
"you okay? " I ask with panic clear in my voice
"yeah. " she says
"you sure? " I ask
"just knocked the breath out of me. " she said
"what about our little family? " I ask placing my hand on her bump.
"I think, but I'll make an appointment. " she says

"Ms. Matthews, Mr. Frier, ah Ms. Bradford! I knew you'd have something to do with this!" The principal, Mr. Turner, says crossing his arms.

"sir, Lucas just pushed me down! " Missy says
"yeah, but he was trying to get to Riley, who you pushed down! Office! " he yells

Hey guys
What's up
Read alex-the-kitten story in my opinion it's amazing! (Shawn mendes fanfiction)

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