✧.* Chapter 2 *.✧

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"Over there."

Danbi pointed towards the only white van parked in the waiting zone outside the airport. It was similar to the ones in front of it, where his members were currently escorted to. The only difference was the colour. 

They kept walking towards the vehicle,  the Idol pushing both of her suitcases with one hand while it other hovered behind her in case they got pushed again to catch or grab her.

Danbi appreciated this gesture as well as getting escorted to her car.

"Are you okay?" Confused by the situation in front of him, her brother's manager got out of the car. One of the security staff members took the luggage from the male while another briefly explained the situation of what occurred inside the airport.

Now concerned over the well-being of the young female, the older male turned to her who was currently taking a seat inside the car. The Idol put the backpack next to her on the empty seat.

"Thank you so much," Danbi bowed. "Again."

"There is no need to," he smiled again. "We caused this inconvenience. Are you sure you are okay? You held your wrist after the impact." His voice sounded concerned.

She nodded immediately. The truth was it hurt a bit but she didn't want to cause any more hassle and so she lied.

"Please tell everyone as well that I 'm very grateful for your help."  He chuckled but nodded.

"Get home safely. And go see a doctor if your wrist hurts again." Danbi nodded.

"You too," Danbi trailed off, even with the whole situation she didn't catch his name in the chaos. And even if she did, she would not know which one of the eight that were screamed was his.

"Chan." Before he could say it himself, the manager who had helped as well walked up to the car with the smaller crowd. Said person turning his head towards him.

"We need to go." He smiled at Danbi shortly before the serious face returned. 

Chan sighed and nodded. He bowed at the younger female and slowly pushed the door so it would start to close itself.

She waved and let herself sink into the leather seats of the car as she watched him walk towards the remaining black car, taking the fans and reporters with him. 

Seconds later the engine of the white van came to live and the driver pulled out of the parking space, passing the black van of the idols. Danbi didn't catch Chan turning and waving at the car. Her eyes were closed while concentrating on her breathing.

"Are you okay?" Jaehyungs voice let her open her eyes again. The manager of her brother sat in the passenger seat in the front and watched her, the concerned frown still there. She nodded.

"Yes, just tired from the flight and what just happened." She smiled half-heartedly at him.

"If you need a doctor, we can stop by a clinic." Not believing the younger female, the male suggested this.

Danbi shook her head, she simply wanted to go to her place and see her older brother. She knew, Jaehyung knew without her saying something that only that was on her mind.

"Okay." He sighed. "But I will make one for you tomorrow. From what I've been told and heard, you fell hard. I want it to get checked."

Danbi couldnt argue against that. So she simply thanked him before turning her head towards the windows, watching the passing scenery.

She was home.

✧・゚: * ✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

"You're welcome, Danbi." Jaehyung hugged the younger female after arriving at the apartment complex. Another staff member unloaded the trunk and pushed the suitcases close to the elevator that was at first glance the only way to get up to the apartments from the underground parking space.

"And please, book an appointment for your wrist." Danbi smiled while nodding reassuringly.

After watching them drive off, the Korean woman turned towards her luggage. Her emotions were going through the roof. Her hands were shaking and cold while reaching for the handle of her suitcases.

Taking deep breaths while watching the numbers going up after entering the familiar elevator. It's been so long since she been here and yet it was as if she had never left. The sound of the elevator indicated that she reached her destinated floor. The doors opened, revealing the spacious hallway to the apartments on the floor.

She knew the way by heart and even would find her way towards the huge black door with her eyes closed. The steps of her feet on the marble floor echoed through the space. Her brother had texted her the new code to get into his apartment as it wasn't clear if he would make it in time.

Putting her stuff down in the entering space and slipping out of her sneakers, made her even more nervous. Tears stung in her eyes. 

Nothing had changed in the apartment. It was still as clean and minimalistic as she remembered. Her brother liked it that way. 

"Minho?" Danbi called for her brother, her voice was shaking so much. She tried to make out any sounds coming from any of the many rooms in the apartment. But it stayed silent. 

Her heart sank a bit.

But before Danbi could be sad about being alone, the sound of someone putting in the code for the door made her turn around.

Seconds later, her older brother walked through the door. Clearly out of breath, slightly sweating. 

It was as if time stopped for the siblings for a moment.

A sob broke the silents and the shuffling of feet.

The strong arms of her brother wrapped around her petite frame engulfing her in a tight embrace, even lifting her from the floor. How she had missed those bear hugs from him. The silence was replaced with sobs from both of the siblings.

Minho rested one of his hands on the back of her head, brushing through the jet-black hairs of Danbi while tears streamed down his face. The other hand wrapped securely around her waist, holding her close to him. He could feel her shaking in his hold.

"I have you back," Minho mumbled the first words, pressing a kiss to the head of his sister. "I have my little sister back."

It only caused Danbi to cry more. But she nodded.

"I love you, Bi." Minho sniffled. "So, so much."

Danbi could only nod, her face buried into his shoulder.

The City of Seoul // Bang Chan [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now