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The next day we all regroup to try and get more information about Vecna

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The next day we all regroup to try and get more information about Vecna. But first: breakfast.

After taking a pit stop at the 7/11, Steve drives us back to reefer Rick's shed to drop off some food for Eddie since he's now Hawkin's number one fugitive.

Walking to the shed with the essentials, I sip on my shitty gas station coffee and hum the words to a Pink Floyd song as the caffeine kicks in.

Opening the door, I step inside first and it nearly gives Eddie a heart attack.

"Jesus Christ!" He swears, holding up his broken beer bottle instinctively.

"Woah, I come in peace." I hold up the grocery bag full of goodies and he sighs in relief, putting down the bottle instantly.

"Thank god, I thought I was going to starve to death out here." He tells me with a relieved look and I hold out the bag for him with a smirk.

"Have at it then."  I watch him amusedly as he Comes over and takes the bag eagerly, throwing me a grateful smile as he settles into the boat to sit down and start eating.

"So, we've got some good news, and some bad news. How do you prefer?" Dustin asks as the rest of the gang files into the shed.

"Bad news first, always." Eddie says through a mouthfull of honeycomb cereal, then washes it down with a gulp of chocolate milk.

"Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins pd dispatch with our cirebro and they're definitely looking for you." Dustin tells him trying to keep the bad news positive and failing horribly.

Eddie sighs, nodding in confirmation and continuing to eat.

"Also they're uh-pretty convinced you killed Chrissy..." Dustin adds with a wince.

"Like a hundred percent kind of convinced..." Robin butts in bluntly and Eddie rubs his temples stressfully, cursing under his breath.

"And the good news?" He asks hopefully, looking around at all of us for more info.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet. But if we found out about you it's only a matter of time before others do too and once that gets out everyone and their shallow minded mother is gunna be gunning for you."

"Hunt the freak, right?" He spits out angrily, and we all nod.

"Unfortunately." I tell him sympathetically and he bites his lip in thought.

"So before that happens we've got to find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence." My bother tells him like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"That all Dustin? That all?" Eddie asks the boy sarcastically, throwing him a look.

"Yeah, no that's pretty much it." The boy's voice goes high pitched in the middle as he tries to downplay the massive amount of work we've got to do.

"Listen, Eddie. I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional but we've actually been through this kinda thing before! I mean, they have a few times and I have once. Mine was more human flesh based and theirs more smoke related..." Robin tells Eddie passionately, waving her hands to prove her point.

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