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The little impromptu walk Dustin forced us all to go on was starting to turn into a full blown hike through the woods

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The little impromptu walk Dustin forced us all to go on was starting to turn into a full blown hike through the woods. We've been walking for so long the sun had started to set, and everyone had started to grow bored.

Trudging near the back of the pack, I'm jamming to Black Sabbath on my Walkman to keep me occupied.

Steve and Nancy are talking farther in front of me, and Eddie is the only one lagging behind as much as me since he's been hiking in the woods for nearly two days straight.

I glance back at him every once in a while to make sure that he's doing alright considering the circumstances. He just plays with his lighter and smokes a cigarette every so often to calm his nerves.

It isn't until I feel someone lifting my headphones off my ears that I realize that the rest of the group is long gone and it's just me and Eddie walking together.

"What're you listening to Henderson?" Eddie asks playfully, trying to take my headphones off but I slap his hand away quickly.

"Nothing..." I tell him secretively, but that just eggs him on further.

"Come on, sharing is caring..." he provokes, snatching the headphones in a flash and putting them on to listen.

"Stop! Give me my headphones back!" I try grabbing them but he quickly takes them off and raises them over his head with a triumphant grin.

I groan, crossing my arms irritatedly as I look up at his dumb satisfied face. I will not stoop so low as to jump up like a child to grab the headphones from his hand. He's way taller than me and I'll never manage to jump that high, and he knows it.

"Is that war pigs I heard? I thought I might've been hallucinating for a second." He comments cockily and I roll my eyes with a knowing smirk.

"Oh fuck off, you know you're not the only one who can like metal music right?" I point into his chest confidently, snatching back my headphones when he's distracted.

"I can't believe those words just came out of your mouth right now." He gapes, and I just shrug coolly as I leave him speechless for a moment.

"God, you're so dramatic. Do you wanna listen with me or not?" I told out my headphones tauntingly and his eyes light up playfully at my suggestion.

"Do you even have to ask?" He scoffs dramatically, coming closer to share the headphones with me.

Eddie starts bopping his head to the music, singing the words to me goofily and pretending to play an invisible guitar as we walk.

I start to giggle at his performance then decide to join in, mouthing the lyrics back to him and holding an invisible microphone up to my mouth as I sing.

During a guitar solo, my hair flies around crazily as I headband to the music and Eddie looks over to admire me with a huge smile on his face.

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