chapter 1- scoopys ahoy, bitch

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Being Steve Harrington's best friend was always an interesting experience. Diana never experienced a dull moment when she was around him. Whether he was dragging her to a party or begging her to help him study, it was bound to be fun. They've known each other since she moved to Hawkins to live with her cousin (2nd cousin, actually) Dustin Henderson, in eigth grade. Diana was kicked out of her house by her mother for poor grades and even poorer habits. Steve sat behind her in their shared advanced English class. Steve almost always asked her for a piece of gum, and everyday without fail she never had a piece. Diana never understood why Steve would always ask her for gum when his best friend, Tommy, was right next to him. But she didn't mind. He was a major douchbag. Almost every girl had a crush on him, and he knew it.

"Diana, do you have a piece of gum?" Steve tapped her on the shoulder. Diana sighed before turning around to shake her head.

"No Steve, not today. Or yesterday, or the day before," She coldly responded. Steve breathed out a laugh and looked at Tommy, who knodded.

"Would you, would you maybe want to see that new horror film?" Steve asked. He wore a proud smirk. Diana knew what his plan was. Go on one date, get her to kiss him, and then dump her. It was a time old tale, and everyone knew it.

"Oh, sorry, no," Diana smiled at him and turned back around to see what their teacher wrote on the board. She heard Tommy laugh from behind her, and she could practically hear Steve's open mouth catch flies. Now, Steve was shocked because this was the first girl who'd actually rejected him. And it made him curious.


Two years later, it was their sophmore year. Steve bugged her every year, and she hated it. They had P.E. together. Steve's favorite class. He loved being able to prove himself to all the onlookers that already loved him. His nickname was 'King Steve' for Christ's sake. In P.E. the girls would stare at him, and the guys would be jealous.

"Today we will practice pickleball, I will assign you all partners and you will play against eachother," the coach called out. Diana smirked, looking at her friend Tess. They were almost always paired together. Perks of being the teacher's pet.

"Tess and Carol, Holly and Toby," The coach started to list pairs. What? Tess and Carol? The coach continued to list people.

"Diana and Steve," She finished. Diana's face paled. Come on. Steve was also not particularly pleased with this arrangement.

"No switching partners!" The coach said, seeing some sad faces. Steve walked over, his features sulked. He gave her a quick smile and they walked to the court together.

"So," Steve said, serving the ball to Diana. Neither of them really understood how to play pickleball, but the class would be over in 45 minutes so no one complained.

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