chapter 5 - welcome to hell

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max <3

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max <3


Diana was friends with her fair share of children. Her cousin was a child, so by association she knew a few. Dustin had introduced her to Mike, Will, Lucas, El and most recently, Max. Diana didn't really hang out with them, but she would say hi if they were over. Right now, Dustin and his friends were playing Dungeons and Dragons in the living room.
"Diana! Come help us!" Dustin called from their set up. Diana groaned from where she was in her room, reading a magazine.

"What do you need help with, asshole?" Diana called back, putting her magazine down. She had Fridays and Sundays off, so today was one of her only days off.

"We need you to tell us who's taller! It's for research purposes," Dustin yelled. Diana groaned and threw her magazine on the bed. She stomped down the hall to the living room. Diana glared at all of them, and noticed Max and a new girl standing next to each other. Dustin stood in the middle, smiling.

"Who's that?" Diana asked, staring at the brunette girl. She wore a brown cropped t-shirt and black cargo pants. The girl waved and sent Diana a small smile. Diana smiled back.

"She's my girlfriend," Max sent a glare to Diana, before putting her arm around the girl. The girl gave Max a look, and smiled at Diana again.

"I'm Peri, nice to meet you!" Peri said, extending her hand so Diana could shake it.
Diana shook her hand, and shared a small smile.

"Peri's taller," Diana shrugged, causing Peri to smile and Max to roll her eyes.

"I knew it!" Peri smiled, placing a kiss on Max's cheek. Peri went back to sit down, followed by Max and Dustin.

"So Diana, I heard from Nancy that you're dating Steve," Mike smiled.

"Dating who?" Dustin whipped his head around to face Diana.

"I-," Diana stuttered, "Steve is my best friend!"

"That is not what Nancy said," Mike smiled, rolling a dice.

"Who's Steve?" Peri asked, looking at the group.

"My dumb sister's ex," Mike rolled his eyes.

"Peri is new to the neighborhood," Max smiled to Diana.

"Welcome to hell, Peri," Diana smiled, turning to the kitchen for a snack.

"I've heard a lot about Hawkins from you guys," Peri chuckles.

"All the scary stories?" Diana asks, pouring herself a bowl of cereal. Peri nods, and shrugs an arm around Max's shoulder. Max rests her head on Peri's arm.

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