chapter 3 - eddie likes who?

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To be honest, Diana was dreading her date with Tony. She knew that it was easy, go on a date and get to see a movie. Also, get a free meal! But Tony was kind of a douche. Diana hoped he'd changed since sixth grade, but let's be honest. He was a guy. And most guys were the same. So, she decided to consult the one guy she knew who was single.

"Steve! Get your ass in here!" Diana called from the register. Her date was in a few hours. She heard some shuffling from the back, before Steve emerged from behind the curtain.

"What do you need? I'm busy organizing," Steve panted, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"Okay, ew. What are you doing back there?" Diana recoiled.

"I'm lifting boxes, hence the sweat," Steve smiled, pointing to his forehead.

"Okay...? Anyway, I have my date tonight," Diana spoke, overexaggerating her words.

"You don't seem too excited," Steve noticed.

"I am excited, but it's with Tony," Diana sighed.

"Tony, Tony Parker? Your old boyfriend?" Steve asked.

"My only boyfriend," She cried.

"You could just blow him off, we could go see the movie," Steve said, "I want to get out of here." He wiped a layer of sweat of his forehead.

"Another time, Steve. I have to go with him!" Diana opened the register out of instinct and sighed. "What time is it?"

"7:53," Steve read his watch.

"He'll be here in seven minutes, fuck me!" Diana groaned.

"I would, but we're just friends," Steve joked.

"Oh, shut up! How're things with Eddie? Did you sort that out?" Diana asked.

"He... We... Yeah, everythings solved," Steve stuttered.

"That sounded awfully suspicious," Diana questioned him.

"I just... I need to tell you a secret. Can you promise not to tell Robin?" Steve pleaded.

"I- Okay, I promise," Diana agreed. Steve awkwardly fiddled with his vest.

"He told me something, and I don't know how I feel," Steve started. Diana nodded, signaling him to go along.

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