chapter 8 - jennifer and ashley

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Nancy stopped her car in front of the school, not bothering to park. Diana quickly unbuckled her seat belt and opened the car door. Robin ushered her and Nancy to the entrance, which was already open due to Steve breaking in earlier. Nancy used her flashlight, and they walked around the empty school searching for the counselor's office, which was where Steve said to go. When they arrived to the place that Diana remembered all too well, Steve opened the door for them.

"She saw something," Steve whispered. Diana's face fell, and she turned to Robin.

"What did you see?" Robin asked, addressing Max directly. Max silently stood up, and pushed past Nancy who was standing in the doorway. Dustin and Steve quickly followed, and then so did the girls. Max arrived at a wall. It had no design on it, except for the stripes that were the school's colors.

"Right here," Max shakily breathed, "An old grandfather clock."

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy questioned.

"Yes," Max said, "It was so... real." Diana placed her hand on Max's shoulder for reassurance. "When I got closer... I just woke up."

"It was like she was in a trance or something," Dustin said.

"Exactly what happened to Chrissy," Robin whispered.

"That's not even the worst of it," Max turned back to face them, before leading them back to the counselor's office. The others followed her close behind. Once they were inside, Max shuffled through the folders again.

"What?" Diana asked, sitting in the seat across from the desk.

"Fred and Chrissy came to Ms. Kelley for help, just like I did," Max sighed, looking at Chrissy's folder.

"A lot of people see their counselor," Robin sighed, "It could just be a coincidence."

"Yeah, but they were having these awful migraines," Max looked at the group, "Just like me." Steve sucked in a breath, and looked down. "The nightmares, too. Insomnia, waking up in a cold sweat." Max listed off all the symptoms that they'd all had.

"Max, it could just-," Nancy started.

"They aren't fucking coincidences!" Max raised her voice, turning to Nancy, who looked taken aback. "I'm sorry, it's just that after they started hallucinating, they...died." Diana gasped, and looked at Max.

"Max," Steve sighed.

"Don't feel sorry for me, If I do have 'Vecna's curse', I have twenty-four hours," Max said, "I don't want your pity on my last day." She chuckled.

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